Employee Services Division (ESD) - Workplace Violence


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The goal of the Workplace Violence Prevention Program is to initiate USDA and APHIS's policies that every customer and employee be treated fairly an equitably, with dignity and respect. The policy applies not only to how you as an employee should act, but also to how you deserve to be treated by others. There is no room or tolerance for harassing, threatening, or violent behavior at APHIS.

While it is everyone's responsibility to be alert and to report potential workplace violence problems, supervisors and managers have added responsibilities for prevention, assessment, reporting, and response.

Toll Free Line

Workplace Violence Incident Reporting Form - If you feel that you are in a position of possible workplace violence please fill out APHIS Form 259R and submit it to APHIS Workplace Violence Prevention.


Contact Us


Riverdale, MD


Telephone Number

Johnnie Capehart

Program Manager

301-734-3173 or 3174

Mailing Address

Unit 9, Room 3A-03K
4700 River Rd.
Riverdale, MD  20737
Fax: 301-734-0768

Workplace & Domestic Violence Prevention Links



DOJ - Department of Justice

FPS - Federal Protective Services

OPM - Office of Personnel Management

Non Government Sites

Commercial Sites

Last Modified: December 13, 2007