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Doing the Decades
Group Investigations in Twentieth Century U.S. History

Assessment Rubric

Total Points - 100 + 10 (participation & presentation) TOTAL
I. Content (60 points max.)  
II. Creativity (20 points max.)  
III. Organization (20 points max.)  
Participation and presentation of final product (10 points)  

I. Content (60 points maximum)

A. Accuracy Points:__________
Poor (1-12) Average (13-15) Good (16-18) Excellent (19-20)
Facts & data not from correct decade and misleading
  • Some (50%) facts and data not from correct decade.
  • Some in-depth understanding of topic displayed.
  • 80-90% of facts and data are accurate.
  • In-depth understanding evident in responses to 2 questions.
All facts and data are accurate and reflect in-depth understanding of all 3 questions.

B. Documentation Points:__________
Poor (1-12) Average (13-15) Good (16-18) Excellent (19-20)
No annotated bibliography.
  • Some sources cited but gaps remain in final product.
  • Annotated bibliography done but incomplete or inaccurate.
  • Sources cited in 80% of final product.
  • Annotated bibliography completed with minor inaccuracies.
All final products contain complete and accurate source citations.

C. Comprehensiveness Points:__________
Poor (1-12) Average (13-15) Good (16-18) Excellent (19-20)
  • One question answered in final product.
  • Final product is superficial and lacks consistent use of research evidence.
  • All three questions answered in final product.
  • Variable quality displayed in use of research evidence.
  • All three questions answered in final product.
  • Consistent quality displayed in use of research evidence.
  • Some products display a need for more in-depth explanations and descriptions.
  • All three questions answered in final product.
  • Research evidence utilized thoroughly in all products.
  • Explanations and descriptions are thorough and precise.

II. Creativity (20 points maximum)

A. Variety Points:__________
Poor (1-4) Average (5-6) Good (7-8) Excellent (9-10)
  • One key finding only emphasized in final product.
  • No representation of a range of ideas or life experiences ranging across gender, class, race/ethnicity, geographic location, age or ideology.
  • Two key findings emphasized in final product.
  • Narrow range of ideas and life experiences evident.
  • Three key findings emphasized in final product.
  • Broad range of ideas and life experiences evident, although not in all categories.
  • Four or more key findings emphasized in final product.
  • Full representation of ideas and life experiences evident from all categories.

B. Imagination Points:__________
Poor (1-4) Average (5-6) Good (7-8) Excellent (9-10)
No attempt to engage reader with titles, visuals, questions or problems that raise doubt or concern about the issues. Some limited attempt to engage reader through use of titles, visuals, questions and/or problems that raise doubt or heighten concern about issues. Regular use of titles, visuals, questions and/or problems that raise doubt or heighten concern about issues. Integration of titles, visuals, questions and/or problems throughout final product that raise doubt or heighten concern about issues in the final product.

III. Organization (20 points maximum)

A. Balance in presentation Points:__________
Poor (1-4) Average (5-6) Good (7-8) Excellent (9-10)
  • Excessive use of same types of work pieces in final product.
  • Heavy use of one type of source throughout final product.
  • Some variety evident in work pieces throughout final product.
  • Limited variety evident in source use, with at least 2 types evident throughout final product.
  • A thorough mixture of work pieces in final product.
  • At least 3 types of sources are regularly used in the final product from beginning to end.
  • Integration of work pieces of many different types displayed in final product.
  • All types of sources used in final product from beginning to end.

B. Clarity of sequencing in ideas/topics Points:__________
Poor (1-4) Average (5-6) Good (7-8) Excellent (9-10)
  • No finding aid evident for final product.
  • No clear principle evident in organization of final product.
  • A finding aid is used, but it lacks detail.
  • Some organizational principles are evident, but design of the final product lacks precision and a consistent style.
  • A finding aid that permits easy understanding of the final product is employed.
  • Design of the final product is clear, but some inconsistencies of style remain.
  • Finding aid employed makes locating information and topics in the final product easy.
  • Design reflects consistent adherence to a unified style that makes reading and viewing both legible and enjoyable.

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Last updated 09/26/2002