The Library of Congress >> Global Gateway >> Portals to the World >> Burkina Faso
Portals to the World: Links to Electronic Resources from Around the World selected by Library of Congress Subject Experts
Selected Internet Resources

Society: Burkina Faso

Includes anthropology, demography, sociology, ethnic groups, women and gender studies, diasporas.

Created and maintained by the
 African & Middle Eastern Division,
Collections and Services Directorate

Collectif Norbert Zongo France (
In French. Independent organization of journalists and editors.

Committee to Protect Journalists (
Nonpartisan, nonprofit organization based in New York; presents 1999 report on events in Burkina Faso related to assassination of newspaper editor/journalist.

Contemporary Africa Database -- Burkina Faso (
Database searchable by subject category or personal name; provides some information on Burkina Faso editors, journalists, writers, dancers and choreographers, etc. Based in London.

Edukafaso (
In English and French. Nonprofit organization in Paris providing financial assistance, school supplies, library materials, etc. to elementary school-age children in Burkina Faso, especially to girls and rural schoolchildren in general.

Ethnologue -- Burkina Faso (
Gives number of speakers, dialects, linguistic affiliation; also has a linguistic map.

Kevane, Michael - Academic Papers (
Provides full text papers on labor, households, land rights, and land tenure status of women; written and maintained by member of the faculty of Santa Clara University (CA) Department of Economics.

Kuba, Richard and Carola Lentz - "The Dagara and Their Neighbors (Burkina Faso and Ghana)" from the Electronic Journal of Africana Bibliography (
877 bibliographic entries consisting of books, journal articles, theses, and book chapters, in English, French, German or Italian, on such diverse topics as economy, society, language, literature, and history.

Laafi (
Extensive site for primary education includes mission statement, letters and articles, objectives, history, opportunity for participation in forum; numerous “albums” of photographs.

Mission Possible: Work among the Mossi of West Africa (
Observations of Southern Baptist missionaries on the family, social and economic structures in Burkina Faso, especially the Mossi.

Musée Virtuel du Burkina Faso (
Canadian Museum of Civilization site; includes page on Burkina Faso, collection of masks, with extensive descriptions; text in French only; English is not yet available.

Roy, Christopher - Village Activities (Streaming Content) (
Nine videos of diverse village activities in Burkina Faso, including making pottery, mask dance, initiation. Produced by professor of art and art history , University of Iowa.

Roy, Christopher D. - The Art of Burkina Faso (
Full text of a book by Roy, Professor of Art History, University of Iowa. Topics include: Demography, History, the Mossi (Masks, Figures, Dolls, Zazaido crests), Gurunsi Masks, Bwa Masks, Bobo Masks, the Marka Dafing, Furniture, Pottery, Jewelry, Weaving, a cross-cultural comparative stylistic summary of mask styles, and a bibliography.

Sottiaux, Marie-Paule - "Trois Semaines au Burkina Faso" (
In French. Photographs, journal entries describing 1996 volunteer agricultural experiences.

Theodora. com: Flag of Burkina Faso (
Flag and map images in several sizes; links to overviews on Burkina Faso geography, people, government, economy, transportation, communications, and defense.

United States Agency for International Development (USAID) -- Famine Early Warning System Network (FEWS NET) -- FEWS NET Centers. (
“The Goal of the Famine Early Warning System (FEWS NET) is to strengthen the abilities of African countries and regional organizations to manage threats of food security through the provision of timely and analytical early warning and vulnerability information.”

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  Library of Congress >> Global Gateway >> Portals to the World >> Burkina Faso
  August 9, 2005
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