The Library of Congress >> Global Gateway >> Portals to the World >> Ethiopia
Portals to the World: Links to Electronic Resources from Around the World selected by Library of Congress Subject Experts
Selected Internet Resources

Organizations: Ethiopia

Includes non-governmental organizations, associations, institutes (US and abroad).

Created and maintained by the
 African & Middle Eastern Division,
Collections and Services Directorate

Addis Ababa Chamber of Commerce (
"The Addis Ababa Chamber of Commerce, established in 1947, provides technical and advocacy services to help business people start, run, and grow their businesses. Today the AACC is the only organization that provides a wide range of non-financial assistance to business in the country. The AACC also plays a major role in voicing the business concerns to the government. With over 7,000 registered members, the AACC is the largest and oldest chamber of commerce in Ethiopia. It is the only representative body that speaks with authority on behalf of the business community."

Association for the Return of The Maqdala Ethiopian Treasures (AFROMET) (
This site calls for "the restitution of other treasures from Maqdala - an invaluable collection of ecclesiastical and other manuscripts, tabots, processional crosses, a golden chalice and a golden crown, and other cultural artifacts held at British institutions, including the British Museum, the Victoria and Albert Museum, the British Library, the Bodleian Library, and the Royal Library, Windsor Castle." (
"Run by an international consortium of agencies that help asylum seekers in Australia, Canada, the United States, and several countries in Europe. Over 95% of the content on this site is open to the public, including asylum seekers from any country and the lawyers or advocates who represent them."

British Council - Ethiopia (
"The British Council's aim is to make a positive contribution to Ethiopia's social and economic development, while promoting Britain as a leading partner in educational and cultural fields."

Use the "search site" feature to find reports about CARE's programs in particular countries.

Christian Relief and Development Association Ethiopia (
"When rains failed in most parts of former Wollo and Tigray provinces of Ethiopia in the 1970s, famine set in and reached a critical stage in 1973. About that time, [Ethiopian] Government officials approached church agencies for the latter's assistance in the relief efforts. A meeting of churches was summoned to discuss the matter...and thereafter participants continued to meet regularly, resulting in the establishment of the Christian Relief and Development Association (CRDA), in May 1973. At establishment in 1973, CRDA had 13 members. Today this number has increased to more than 200 indigenous and international NGOs and faith-based agencies operating in Ethiopia. This number covers more than two third of the NGOs operating in the country..." The stated mission of the organization is : "Strengthening the capabilities of member agencies to help disadvantaged communities and groups to improve their standards of living and their control over their own livelihood on a sustainable basis."

Committee to Protect Journalists (
Searching this site results in a list of recent documents from a number of web sites concerning media activities and press freedom in many countries.

Crown Council of Ethiopia (
" Welcome to the official site of the Imperial Crown Council of Ethiopia, the governing body of the Imperial Family of Ethiopia, Africa's oldest royal dynasty. This site presents the history of Ethiopia and its kings and queens, as well as information on the Imperial Family's various cultural and humanitarian activities, the Ethiopian aristocracy and Ethiopia's religions. Since the death of Emperor Ahma Selassie, son and successor of Emperor Haile Selassie, the Crown Council has embodied the leadership of the Imperial Family, and the history, hopes and dreams of a nation."

Directory of Development Organizations (
" The Directory is a compilation of contact data of the main sources of assistance available for private sector development (micro, small an medium-sized enterprises) and poverty reduction. A wide range of organizations is included in the Directory: international organizations, government ministries, private sector institutions, development agencies, universities, research and training institutes, NGOs/PDOs, grantmakers, banks, microfinance institutions, and development consulting firms." Searchable by keyword.

Ethiopian Center For Educational Information (
" The specific objectives and purposes of this [non-profit] corporation are: (a) to provide information on schools, colleges, universities, vocational/technical schools, financial aid and career information for Ethiopian-Americans and Ethiopians residing both in the US and other countries; (b) to provide website links to colleges, scholarship and sports information search databases; (c) to provide community leaders, governmental, and other concerned members of the public with essential information to exchange ideas, suggest solutions, and implement strategies to enhance the educational and sport activities of Ethiopians..." This site offers information about fellowships, scholarships and other educational opportunities which are of interest to a broader audience than just Ethiopian or Ethiopian-American students."

Ethiopian Children's and Orphans' Association (ECOA) (
"Ethiopian Children's and Orphans' Association, Inc. (ECOA) was established in Hartford, CT in 1997 ... as a non profit organization ... ECOA [aids] projects we set to assist children and orphans in Ethiopia."

Ethiopian Community Association (ECA) (Los Angeles, CA) (
"The Ethiopian Community Association in Los Angeles is a non-profit organization established to foster cooperation, and mutual help among Ethiopians. We promote the cultural heritage of the Ethiopian people and work with other humanitarian organizations."

Ethiopian Community Mutual Association (ECMA) (Seattle, WA) (
"The mission of Ethiopian Community Mutual Association is to bridge the gap created by language and cultural barriers which prevented Ethiopians refugees and immigrants access to health, social, and other services that are available to them ; transmit cultural values, promote economic development and sports to benefit Ethiopians living in Seattle and its vicinity."

Ethiopian E-Mail Distribution Network (EEDN) (
" Its primary mission is to provide a non-moderated forum for a constructive exchange of views and information concerning the social, political and economic challenges facing Ethiopia. As such, the network aims at promoting the welfare of all Ethiopians by focusing on our shared aspirations, cultivating a democratic culture, and exploring the prospects for Ethiopian democracy and prosperity."

Ethiopian Foundation for Education (
Based in Silver Spring, Maryland, the "Ethiopian Foundation for Education was created in 1996 by Dr. Abebe Kebede and his wife Dr. Mulumebet Work. The Ethiopian Foundation for Education is a non-political and non-governmetal [sic] organization supported by the Ethiopian academicians, businesses, civic organizations and religious establishments. The organization is dedicated to the education of the Ethiopian youth and to serve the Ethiopian community by encouraging volunteerism among Ethiopians world-wide."

Ethiopian Human Rights Council (EHRCO) (
"The Ethiopian Human Rights Council (EHRCO) is an independent, non-governmental, non-profit making, non-partisan and non-political organization established on October 10, 1991. The founding members are Ethiopians from all walks of life academics, professional, and businesspersons who are committed to the cause of human rights, the rule of law and democracy. EHRCO has several members and support committees in the major cities of Europe, United States and Canada."

Ethiopian Medhin Democratic Party
Press releases, statements of policies, objectives and some news articles are presented.mostly in English although some are in Amharic.

Ethiopian Society of Winnipeg (
Principally offers news of the activities and cultural events of interest to the Ethiopian community in Winnipeg, Canada.

Ethiopian Sports Federation in North America (
"Ethiopian Sports Federation in North America (ESFNA) is a non profit, tax exempt organization founded in 1984 to promote amateur soccer and cultural events within the Ethiopian community in the North America. Its goal include providing positive role models for the youth and promoting goodwill between the Ethiopian communities in North America. In addition to sports event, the federation also conducts cultural activities to provide opportunities for Americans to learn more about Ethiopia culture and history."

Ethiopian Students Association International (ESAI) (
"The mission of ESAI is to network all Ethiopian students that are passionate about the advancement of Ethiopia in order to unite the strengths of our diverse student backgrounds and learn how to help Ethiopia at the student level with the intent to take a non-political stand for human rights, education, and civic improvements since we are the future leaders of Ethiopia." Other student associations may be found at the following sites: Ethiopian Students Association, Texas; Ethiopian Students Association, University of Maryland ; Ethiopian Students Association (George Mason University (Virginia); Ethiopian Students Association, Montgomery College (Takoma Park, Maryland); ESAI North Carolinan Chapter; Ethiopian Students Association Minnesota; Ethiopian Students Union Berkeley; All Ethiopian Students Association at Ohio State University; Stanford Ethiopian Student Union; and the Ethiopian Students Association (University of Maryland, Eastern Shore).

Ethiopian Tree Fund Foundation (
"Ethiopian Tree Fund Foundation is a non-profit professional organization incorporated in the State of Virginia, United States. This Organization is created with singular task of reclaiming the land of Ethiopia. This challenge has become more urgent after the recent major forest fire that devastated one of the last remaining virgin tropical forests in the southern part of Ethiopia. To meet this challenge, ETFF, plans to work in close cooperation with government ministries and educational institutions, UN agencies, such as FAO, research universities worldwide and NGOs..."

Federation of American Scientists (
The Federation of American Scientists (FAS) "is the oldest organization dedicated to ending the worldwide arms race, achieving complete nuclear disarmament, and avoiding the use of nuclear weapons for any purpose." Whatever one's views are on its goals, a search of the site yields valuable information on a country's armament found only with difficulty elsewhere.

A Glimmer Of Hope (
" A Glimmer of Hope is a global foundation that seeks to relieve some of the pain and suffering on the planet. Currently, it is focused on the poor of rural Ethiopia - especially the women and children. The foundation represents a new model of International Aid - social entrepreneurs and investors seeking social impact. It seeks sustainable, long-term solutions in the areas of health, education, water and HIV/AIDS. It helps people to help themselves in a non-bureaucratic, non-political, entrepreneurial fashion. In 2002, the first year of its National Aid program, the foundation will fund 141 projects throughout Ethiopia, positively affecting the lives of up to 500,000 people."

Harari Relief and Development Association (HARDA) (
" HARDA, which was founded in 1992, is a non-political and non-governmental organization (NGO) whose fundamental objective is based on social welfare and sustainable economic development activities. ... The great majority of the Ethiopian people, including those of Harari people, have had to endure the consequences of prolonged civil war, natural disaster and continued economic and technological backwardness. A very high population growth rate, displacement, widespread unemployment and underemployment, intermittent droughts and famine, the disintegration and the disruption of families have added to the deterioration of the living conditions of the people. Harar, the ancient metropolis of Eastern Ethiopia, is known to have been a fully developed city-state almost 1,000 years ago--just at the beginning of the second millennium AD."

Harrar Connection (
"City of HARAR the fourth holiest Moslem city in the world. The historical importance of Harar, its unique buildings, its great encircling wall, and its well fashioned gates, received international recognition in 1989 when they were listed by UNESCO as part of the cultural heritage, not only of the city and of Ethiopia, but of humanity as a whole." The site has links to Hararian associations in the United States as well as information about the region and city.

International Committee of the Red Cross (
A search of this English language version of the ICRC site provides reports on the current humanitarian initiatives of this organization in any given country.

Oromia Support Group (
Society "The Oromia Support Group (OSG) is a non-political organisation which attempts to raise awareness of human rights abuses in Ethiopia. OSG lobbies governments to withdraw support from the Ethiopian government until it abides by its constitution which guarantees human rights and self-determination for all peoples of Ethiopia..."

Oromo Liberation Front (
"The Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) is a political organization established in 1973 by Oromo nationalists to lead the national liberation struggle of the Oromo people against the Abyssinian colonial rule. The emergence of the OLF was a culmination of a century old yearn of the Oromo people to have a strong and unified national organization to lead the struggle."

Pact Ethiopia (
"Pact's mission in Ethiopia is to strengthen the institutional capacity of Ethiopian NGOs. We accomplish this by building the capacity of individual NGOs to carry out effective programs, by supporting NGO umbrella and networking groups to be proactive in representing and supporting their members, and by facilitating the creation of an enabling environment in which NGOs are able to work collaboratively with government on policy and development projects."

Solidarity Committee for Ethiopian Political Prisoners (SOCEPP) (
Organizations "SOCEPP is a non sectarian, non-political, non profit humanitarian organization established by concerned people to publicize the plight of Ethiopian political prisoners and to solicit support from international public opinion in calling for the respect of hman [sic] rights and due process of law in Ethiopia."

Tigrean International Solidarity For Justice and Democracy (TISJD) (
"The TISJD is a non- profit organization, based in Washington DC with over 15 Chapters throughout the World. TISJD believes firmly that a democratic and representative form of government is the best guarantee for peace and stability in Ethiopia. TISJD strives to propagate and publicize the democratic principles and ideals, and encourage all Ethiopians to play constructive role in creating a democratic system of government in Ethiopia by promoting, encouraging democratic reforms and the strict observance of human rights in Ethiopia. ... TISJD is not a mouthpiece for any group or party or individual and is independently managed by the Executive Committee and a Board of Directors elected by its members."

United States Committee for Refugees (USCR) (
Founded in 1958 to complement the UN's initiative to aid refugees, the USCR's site offers brief and detailed reports on refugee status in and from the various countries of the world.

World Food Programme Ethiopia (
"Set-up in 1963, WFP is the United Nations frontline agency in the fight against global hunger. In 2001, WFP fed 77 million people in 82 countries, including most of the world's refugees and internally displaced people."

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  June 29, 2007
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