The Library of Congress >> Global Gateway >> Portals to the World >> Lebanon
Portals to the World: Links to Electronic Resources from Around the World selected by Library of Congress Subject Experts
Selected Internet Resources

Health : Lebanon

Includes ministries of health in country concerned, public health, and health care systems.

Created and maintained by the
 African & Middle Eastern Division,
Collections and Services Directorate

American University of Beirut  (
AUB’s website provides information on its various schools and departments, including its school of medicine and the AUB hospital. The site has also an online catalog of its libraries’ collections.

Development Gateway Country Overview  (
“The Development Gateway helps communities, organizations, and individuals build partnerships, share ideas, and work together to reduce poverty.” Search by development projects as well as by country to identify additional web sites and documents.

Health in General (
Overview of health from 1960 through the 1980’s

International Committee of the Red Cross  (
A search of this English language version of the ICRC site provides reports on the current humanitarian initiatives of this organization in any given country.

Leb Seek  (
Small but useful search engine with links to numerous cultural, economic and social sites.

Lebanon - Al-Mashriq  (
Important portal on every aspect of Lebanon’s social, economic and political life.

Lebanon Directory  (
Mega portal that can be searched by country. Includes information on all aspects of life in that country.

Lebanon Links  (
Major Lebanese portal that includes links to banks, universities, international organization, the media, tourist and entertainment sites, and searchable Yellow and White pages.

Makassed Islamic Philanthropic Association  (
The oldest and most important Muslim philanthropic organization in Lebanon. Established in 1878 it has provided very significant assistance to tens of thousands of families over the years. The site includes information on its heath and educational facilities and its publishing activities.

Ministry of Public Health  (
The official site of the Ministry of Public Health that includes information on the AIDS program, maternal and child surveys, and links to a number of non-governmental sites involved in healthcare and environmental projects.

National Center for Infectious Diseases Traveler's Health (Center for Disease Control and Prevention)  (
The US CDC issues health warnings and advisories and related materials for countries around the world.

UN Organizations In Lebanon  (
This UN site maintained by the United Nations Development Program covers the various UN programs in Lebanon, their activities, reports, conferences, bulletins.

United Nations  (
The official site of the United Nations provides articles, reports, etc. in several languages on all aspects of the initiatives and mission of that organization as well as on the contemporary life, culture, society, international relations, etc. of all the countries and peoples of the world.

United Nations Relief and Works Agency (
“The number of Palestine refugees registered with UNRWA in Lebanon is currently 409,714, or an estimated 10 per cent of the population of Lebanon, a small country which is now quite densely populated.”

United States National Library of Medicine  (
The official web site of the U.S. National Library of Medicine provides access to their online catalog, medical reports, bibliographies, travel cautions, and a variety of information relating to the medical sciences and situation both in the United States and for countries around the world.

World Health Organization  (
The official site of the WHO offers text in English, French or Spanish on its mission and health initiatives, programs and warnings world wide.

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  Library of Congress >> Global Gateway >> Portals to the World >> Lebanon
  June 11, 2008
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