The Library of Congress >> Global Gateway >> Portals to the World >> Morocco
Portals to the World: Links to Electronic Resources from Around the World selected by Library of Congress Subject Experts
Selected Internet Resources

Libraries, Archives : Morocco

Includes catalogs, web sites, databases, bibliographies, electronic libraries, library organizations.

Created and maintained by the
 African & Middle Eastern Division,
Collections and Services Directorate

Bibliothèque Générale et Archives (
National Library and Archives of Morocco

Mohammed VI Library of Al-Akhawayn University  (
This is the website of the only private university in Morocco where courses are taught in English and which follows the American system of higher education. “The library currently has a collection of over 70,000 books in addition to over 400 national and international academic journals, magazines and newspapers.”

Princeton University Library: Near Eastern Studies Resources  (
Princeton Library’s site dedicated to Near Eastern Studies provides not only invaluable information about Princeton’s programs and collections, but also extensive links to sites (libraries, universities, institutes, think tanks, directories, gateways, newspapers, etc.) around the world concerning all aspects of the discipline.

UCLA Library Collections & Internet Resources  (
The University of California Library Collections and Internet Resources in Middle Eastern, Arab, Islamic, Armenian and Central Asian studies.

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  African and Middle Eastern countries - African and Middle Eastern Reading Room

  Library of Congress >> Global Gateway >> Portals to the World >> Morocco
  May 20, 2008
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