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Animal Health Monitoring & Surveillance

National Animal Health Surveillance System Outlook

Issue 13, First Quarter 2007

The NAHSS Outlook is an electronic communication with information about the National Animal Health Surveillance System (NAHSS) that is distributed via email to all members of Veterinary Services.  Contact the National Surveillance Unit to provide comments and suggestions for future topics.

Articles in This Issue:

NAHSS Activity Updates

Click here for updates on evaluating brucellosis surveillance, working group begins brucellosis surveillance plan, and syndromic surveillance methods development.

VHS Surveillance Planning Underway

A surveillance plan for viral hemorrhagic septicemia (VHS), an infectious disease of fish, is being developed. VHS is emerging in severity and extent in the Great Lakes region of Canada and the United States. VHS has ranged in morbidity and mortality from minimal to extreme in different species and contexts. Read more about the VHS surveillance plan.

Model Helps VS Estimate Value of Surveillance

Veterinary Services and university agricultural economists are collaborating to employ an existing model for estimating the economic value of animal health surveillance in the United States. The model results will aid VS in surveillance design, planning, budgeting, and evaluation. Read the complete story.

NAHMS Launches Dairy 2007 Study

The National Animal Health Monitoring System launched Dairy 2007, the fourth in-depth study of the U.S. dairy industry, this month. This July and August, NAHMS will conduct two other important studies: the Small-Enterprise Chicken Study and the Small-Enterprise Swine Study. Both are the first national APHIS studies of these industry segments. Here is more information about the NAHMS 2007studies.

VS Appoints Granger as CEAH Director

Dr. John Clifford, APHIS Deputy Administrator for Veterinary Services, announced the selection of Dr. Larry Granger as the new director of the Centers for Epidemiology and Animal Health in Fort Collins, CO. Granger previously held the position of Associate Deputy Administrator for Emergency Management and Diagnostics in Veterinary Services. Read more about Dr. Granger here.

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