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Selected Internet Resources

History : Easter Island

This pathfinder contains basic information about Easter Island (Chile) and a listing of general country websites. The most important source for bibliography of books and articles concerning Easter Island (Chile) is the annual Handbook of Latin American Studies ( produced by over 130 contributing editors under the editorship of the Hispanic Division of the Library of Congress. Additional coverage of journal articles can be found through a subscription to the Hispanic American Periodical Index (   Both the Handbook and HAPI are available in selected libraries in book form.  

Created and maintained by the
Hispanic Division, Collections and Services Directorate


This webpage features different theories about the origin of the statues that surround Easter Island, based on scientific anthropologic discoveries. Also include pictures and photograps that show the arqueological excavations.

This webpage provides historical information of the first visitors that Easter Island had at the begining of 1700s. This wenpage the diary of the traveller Mr. Alphonse Pinart in 1877. In Spanish.

The Moai Restration Project Easter Island seems only a solitary islet in the South Pacific, and yet is so much world-famous for its gigantic stone staues as to be described as one of the Seven Wonderds of the World. By whom were built such numerous pieces of monument in which ages and for what purpose?The Moai statues remain a mystery even to this date. This webpage deals with a project of restoration of the Stone Statues(Moais)by a japanesse organization.

This is a digital image of the topography of Easter Island.

The Chilling Tale of Easter Island, about 2,000 miles from the nearest continent, and 1,400 miles from the next closest inhabited isle, lies a tiny chunk of land only 65 square miles in size. It is the most isolated, inhabited place in the world, nevertheless it has been studied since the begining of the 60's with increasing interest and the scientists are still lost in the origin of the big stone statues(moais), that suround all the coast line of the Island. Easter Island. When the explorer Jacob Roggeveen found it on April 5, 1722 (Easter day, henceforth the name), the natives, numbering about 2,000, had no idea that other peoples, beside themselves, existed. This is not surprising since.

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   Library of Congress >> Global Gateway >> Portals to the World
March 9, 2006
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