The Library of Congress >> Global Gateway >> Portals to the World >> Tonga
Portals to the World: Links to Electronic Resources from Around the World selected by Library of Congress Subject Experts
Selected Internet Resources

History : Tonga

This pathfinder includes information about history in Tonga.

Created and maintained by the
 Asian Division
Collections and Services Directorate

'Aho 'eitu the First Tu'i Tonga  (
Part of the Tales & Stories of the South Pacific web site, this page contains a history of the founder of the 'Aho'eitu Dynasty.

Historical Maps of Australia and the Pacific  (
Part of the Perry-Castanada Library Map Collection, this web site provides links to historical maps of numerous places in the Pacific including Fiji, Tonga, Australia and New Zealand, as well as thirty World War II maps of the Asia-Pacific Theater.

Jane's Tonga Home Page  (
Jane Resture’s Tonga web site provides several pages pertaining to the history of Tonga. These include a brief description and photographs of the lost city of Mu’a and an excerpt from the account of the early nineteenth century traveler William Mariner. Click on the specific topics listed on the left-hand side of this page.

Journal of Pacific History  (
The Journal of Pacific History is primarily concerned with cultural, political, economic and religious factors affecting human presence in the Pacific. Its web site provides subscription information, the names of people on the editorial board, and a link to the current issue abstracts.

The Royal Ark: Tonga  (
Part of the Royal Ark web site pertaining to royal families around the world, this page contains information about Tongan the ruling elite as well as a brief history of the country.

Timeline: Tonga  (
Run by the British Broadcasting Corporation, this web page provides an outline of the history of Tonga from 1616 until present.

Tonga & Tin Can Mail Study Circle  (
An affiliate of the Society of Australasian Specialists, this web site provides information about Tongan postal history, including tin can mail.

Tonga: A Short Prehistory  (
Part of the Tonga Tapu web site, this page provides a brief history of early Tonga.

Tongan History Association Homepage  (
The Tongan History Association is dedicated to studying all periods of Tongan history at the micro-level. Its web site features information about the association's history, its activities and on-line copies of the association's newsletter.

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  Library of Congress >> Global Gateway >> Portals to the World >> Tonga
  September 19, 2005
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