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Portals to the World: Links to Electronic Resources from Around the World selected by Library of Congress Subject Experts
Selected Internet Resources

Geography and Environment : Chile

This pathfinder includes information about the geography and environment in Chile.

Created and maintained by the
Hispanic Division, Collections and Services Directorate


Technology in the treatment of surfaces area. Asquim has participated in over one hundred projects for advising, installing and starting systems for pollution treatment envisioning a continuous improvement in the industrial processes of enterprises of different areas such as mining, metal-mechanic, smelting food and others. In Spanish with some information in English.

The Chilean Government, through its Economic Development Agency (CORFO) is funding the establishment of a National Cleaner Production Center (NCPC). This is a three year project (starting January 2000) where the feasibility of achieving self-funding must be investigated. The project development was assigned to the Technological Research Corporation (INTEC-CHILE) through a public bid. INTEC-CHILE formed a consortium with the German Technical Cooperation agency (GTZ) and the Fundes Foundation. INTEC-CHILE is a non profit Corporation under Private Law with a public mandate to facilitate, accelerate and multiply technological change in private and public enterprises and organizations. It was created by CORFO in 1968. Its mission is to transfer technology managing high impact projects, and contribute to the improvement of technological management capabilities. In English and Spanish.

Agnus McIntyre presents a collection of photographs of Easter Island and Volcan Osorno. Easter Island is located off the coast of Chile and has numerous monolithic statues. Volcan Osorno is a volcano located near Puerto Montt, Chile. In English.

CONAMA is a governmental institution. Its mission is to promote the sustainable development and coordinate operations derived from the policies and strategies defined by the government in environmental matters. In Spanish.

Features the "Flora of Chile" Project, which is a project at the Department of Botany at the University of Concepcion to publish a multi-volume set describing the plants of Chile. Posts contact information via fax number and e-mail. Describes the scope of the project and the climate of Chile. Lists references. Provides a Spanish translation. Links to the Missouri Botanical Garden home pages. In English.

This site presents information on business and environment. In Spanish.

Cleaner production in Chile: a complete guide about the work carried out by the government and industrial associations in reducing environmental impacts on environment while increasing cost savings and productivity. In Spanish.

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   Library of Congress >> Global Gateway >> Portals to the World
March 9, 2006
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