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Portals to the World: Links to Electronic Resources from Around the World selected by Library of Congress Subject Experts
Selected Internet Resources

Society : Japan

This pathfinder includes information about society in Japan.

Created and maintained by the
 Asian Division
Collections and Services Directorate

Bibliography of Japanese Sociology Database  (
The Japan Sociological Society (JSS) maintains this database of sociological literature either written by Japanese researchers or published in Japan. The database contains about 64,000 records.

Buraku Liberation and Human Rights Research Institute / 部落解放・人権研究所  (
This is the homepage of one of the leading research institutes whose purpose is to eliminate all forms of discrimination, particularly the Buraku problem in Japan. BLHRRI contributes to the solution of discrimination through its investigative and research activities, and by organizing conferences, seminars, and human rights awareness-raising courses. Documents are searchable from the Japanese site.

Center for Multicultural Information and Assistance / 多文化共生センター   (
Founded in 1995 shortly after the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, the Center for Multicultural Information and Assistance offers a wide range of support to foreigners living in Japan. The website provides information on immigration law, projects and events, and contact information for counseling and other forms of assistance.

International Network for Life Studies  (
The INLS is a non-profit group founded in 1999 by Professor Masahiro Morioka of Osaka Prefecture University. Unaffiliated with any particular religious or political parties, the INLS aims to provide interdisciplinary approaches to contemporary issues of life, death, and nature. The site has essays, papers, and special reports on a variety of issues, such as brain death and transplantation law in Japan, and Japanese responses to recent terrorist attacks.

Japan - A Country Study /  (
This study of Japan written by the Federal Research Division of The Library of Congress includes chapters on Japanese society and history. Type Society under the Search line to find specific chapters on Japanese society.

The Japan Center for Area Studies, National Museum of Ethnology / 地域研究企画交流センター 国立民俗学博物館  (
The Japan Center for Area Studies was established in 1994 at the National Museum of Ethnology in Osaka. Its main objective is the comprehension of worldwide social phenomena by assembling various information resources relevant to area studies. The site includes information on the museum, its exhibitions, and the Japan Center for Area Studies; an anthropology newsletter; research activities; and a virtual tour.

Japan Directory: Society / 社会  (
A Japan Information Network Directory that gives contact information (address, telephone, fax, email, webpage) for organizations in the category of Society. Organizations include those involved in international exchange, welfare and medicine, NGO and volunteer groups, environment and nature, and grants and aid.

Japan focus  (
Japan Focus is a new electronic site that offers writings about Japan, Japan in Asia and the world, as well as Japanese and international perspectives on contemporary Japanese politics, economics and society. It offers translations from Japanese and Japan Focus originals.

Japan's Aging Population /  (
This site contains an annotated list of websites on Japan's aging population and society that have been recommended by the National Clearinghouse for U.S.-Japan Studies.

Labor and Social Movements in Japan /  (
This site lists research materials on labor and social movements in Japan compiled by librarian Kris Troost at Duke University. The site lists bibliographies, dictionaries, chronologies, statistical resources, white papers, yearbooks, journals at Perkins Library, and other websites, all of which concern labor and social movements in Japan.

Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare / 厚生労働省  (
The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare has official data on social issues in Japan. It includes policy information, white papers and reports, and statistics.

Ohara Institute for Social Research  (
This page introduces activities and collections of the Ohara Institute for Social Research at Hosei University. In addition to information about social movements, the site includes an exhibition of posters of labor and social movements in pre-1945 and post-1945 Japan.

Saitama University Kyosei Shakai Kenkyu Senta /   (
This research center has primary materials on NGOs, NPOs, consumer movements, labor issues, citizens, residents, and environmental movements. The center includes "minikomi" publications and is run by Professor Yoshihiko Kamii of the Economics Faculty.

Takazawa Collection, Japanese Social Movement Materials at the University of Hawaii   (
The Takazawa Collection contains annotated bibliographies for primary and secondary materials on Japanese social movements that were donated to the University of Hawaii by Takazawa Koji in 1992. The collection contains 1800 books, almost 10,000 issues of 1,300 serials, 1,000 pamphlets, clipping files, over 2,000 handbills, manuscripts, legal documents, and other materials. They cover social movements from the sixties through the early nineties. The items are annotated in English and searchable in English or Japanese.

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  Library of Congress >> Global Gateway >> Portals to the World >> Japan
  September 19, 2005
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