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Portals to the World: Links to Electronic Resources from Around the World selected by Library of Congress Subject Experts
Selected Internet Resources

General Resources: Ukraine

Created and maintained by the
 European Division
Collections and Services Directorate

Basic information and general descriptions about Ukraine, as well as country Web sites/portals.

BRAMA. Gateway Ukraine (
Ukraine portal. Provides extensive information on Ukraine and Ukrainians including latest headlines, Ukraine's history, geography, population, economy, education, health care, transportation, and communication. Includes a number of links on Chornobyl/Chernobyl (images, maps).

Encyclopaedia Britannica Online: Ukraine (
Provides useful information and links. Search on Ukraine.

Entsiklopediia krugosvet (
Provides basic information about Ukraine. In Russian.

Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO). Country Profiles: Ukraine (
Prepared by FCO desk officers, the profile provides a general overview of Ukraine and includes information on the country's recent history, recent political developments, relations with the international community, and bilateral political and commercial relations with the UK, as well as links to other relevant pages on the FCO site.

Government Portal: Ukraine (
Links to information about Ukraine, news, cabinet, economy, regions, press center, and more. Searchable. In Ukrainian and English.

Governments on the WWW: Ukraine (
Links to national institutions, representations in foreign countries, and more.

Internet Encyclopedia of Ukraine (IEU) (
Comprehensive source of English-language information in English on Ukraine, its history, people, geography, society, economy, and cultural heritage. A work in progress, links to information about IEU, user information, and more. Searchable. Maintained by the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, University of Alberta/University of Toronto.

Open Directory Project. Regional: Europe: Ukraine (
Links to a wide variety of Web sites culled from major search engines.

U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. World Factbook: Ukraine (
General information about Ukraine with the following subdivisions: geography, people, government, economy, communications, transportation, military, and transnational issues.

U.S. Department of State. Bureau of Public Affairs. Background Notes (
Facts about the land, people, history, government, political conditions, economy, and foreign relations of independent states, some dependencies, and areas of special sovereignty. Click on country link.

General Portals

InfoUkes. Information Resource about Ukraine and Ukrainians (
Provides a World Wide Web (WWW) server and a list server (E-mail distribution). Topics range from history, culture, maps, genealogy, software, to media. Includes links to news and features, related resources, and more.

Internet Resources on Ukraine (
Provides links to Web sites on Ukraine--government and official information, elections, economics and statistics, history, search engines, and more. Maintained by the School of Slavonic and East European Studies at the University College London.

Lonely Planet. World Guide: Ukraine (
Facts for the traveler include information on currency, attractions, history, culture, and environment.

Directory of Ukraine. In Ukrainian, Russian and limited English.

World Wide Web Russian & East European Studies Virtual Library. Maintained by the Center for Russian and East European Studies, University Center for International Studies, University of Pittsburgh. Includes REESBrowse, an indexed collection of annotated links that may be searched by subject, culture, time period, and region.

REENIC (Russian and East European Network Information Center). Ukraine (
Links to basic facts about Ukraine as well as Internet search tools, associations, academic and research centers, and subject specific categories.

Ukraine Gateway (
Portal seeks to facilitate access to high quality country-specific development information and solutions for governments, private sector, development partners, and civil society. Provides general information on Ukraine, as well as on state and authorities, international organizations, business and economy, privatization and investment, education and research, society and culture, health and ecology, mass media, sports and entertainment. Maintained by the Ukraine Development Gateway team.

Welcome to Ukraine (
Provides short description of Ukraine's geography, climate, and industrial capacities, as well as links on tourism, art galleries, and maps. Maintained by Frontier Vision Technologies, Inc.


Phone Codes of exUSSR (
Choose from an alphabetical list of links.

Ukraine Telecom Nuggets (
Lists city codes. Provides statistics and information on carriers, codes, and rates as well as links to news and weather and other sites. From Ampol Telecom.

National Symbols

Flags of the World. Ukraine (
Information on the Ukrainian (national) flag; military, political, and sports flags; counties and municipalities in Ukraine; state arms; and more.

International Civic Heraldry. Ukraine (
Information on national coat-of-arms, as well as that of republics, provinces, regions, cities, towns, and municipalities.

Ukrainian Heraldry (
Information on Ukrainian heraldry by region and family as well as information on the flag and the national anthem. In English and Ukrainian.

Ukrainian National Anthem (
Provides a brief history of the anthem, as well as Ukrainian and English versions. Material from Linda Hodges and Geoge Chumak, The Language and Travel Guide to Ukraine.

Statistical Resources

CIFP. Country Indicators for Foreign Policy (
An ongoing effort to identify and assemble statistical information for the key features of the political, economic, social, and cultural environments of countries worldwide. The data set provides global overviews, issue-based perspectives, and country performance measures of domestic armed conflict, governance and political instability, militarization, religious and ethnic diversity, demographic stress, economic performance, human development, environmental stress, and international linkages. Presents statistical data in the above issue areas--using more than 100 performance indicators for 196 countries, spanning 1985-2000 for most indicators. Also links to risk assessment reports, research-related links, and more. Registration optional but not required. From Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada.

Main Macroeconomic Indicators. Ukraine (
Statistical tables from the Interstate Statistical Committee, CIS.

Sources of International Statistics on the Internet (
Annotated portal for statistics in all fields. Its categories include: U.S. government sources; foreign countries; United Nations System; intergovernmental organizations; nongovernmental organizations; academic sources; search engines; and metasites. Many of these sites include statistics for Ukraine. Maintained by the University of Maryland Libraries.

State Committee of Statistics of Ukraine (
Major economic indicators, as well as demographic information and data, news, publications, useful information, and more. In Ukrainian, Russian, and English.

Statistical Resources on the Web (
Another excellent, Annotated portal for statistics in all fields, grouped within 24 categories ranging from aging to business/industry to telecommunications to weather. Maintained by the University of Michigan Library Documents Center.

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  December 24, 2008
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