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Portals to the World: Links to Electronic Resources from Around the World selected by Library of Congress Subject Experts
Selected Internet Resources

Government, Politics, Law: Belgium

Created and maintained by the
 European Division
Collections and Services Directorate

Links to Belgian government executive, legislative, and judicial sites; law and political party sites. For a Library of Congress resource on Belgian law, consult the Belgium section of the Guide to Law Online, at the Global Legal Information Network site.

General Resources

De Belgische Monarchie (
The Belgian Monarchy. Information on the monarchy, the royal family, palace, royal initiatives, and more. In French and Dutch, some English and German.

Governments on the WWW: Belgium (
Links to federal, regional, and municipal institutions (including Flemish, French, Wallonia); representation in foreign countries; political parties; and more.

Political Resources on the Net. Kingdom of Belgium (
Links to government, organizations, political parties, the media, and more. Links in English and French.

Politics of Belgium. Wikipedia (
Links to the constitution and information on the executive, legislative, and judicial branches; political parties and election results; trade unions; participation in international organizations; related links, and more.

U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments: Belgium (
Online directory of key leaders of foreign governments. Follows transliteration systems generally agreed upon by U.S. Government agencies, except in cases in which official shave stated a preference for alternate spellings of their names.

U.S. Department of State. Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor. Country Reports on Human Rights Practices-2004: Belgium (
Country Reports on Human Rights Practices are submitted annually by the U.S. Department of State to the U.S. Congress. The reports cover internationally recognized individual, civil, political, and worker rights, as set forth in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

World Statesmen (
Links to leaders, detailed chronologies, maps, national anthems, flags, and more.

Executive, Legislative, Judiciary

De Belgische Kamer van Volksvertegenwoordigers (
Chamber of Representatives of Belgium. Information on its functions and individual representatives. Includes statistics, a brief glossary of parliamentary terms, the Belgian constitution, live and recorded video broadcasts of the Chamber's sessions (archived from 2002 to the present), the naturalization process, and links to major political parties and regional parliaments. In French and Dutch.

Belgische Senaat (
Belgian Senate. The Federal Parliament is made up of both the Senate and the House of Representatives. Information on the Senate and links to political parties and other groups. In Dutch, French; overview in English, some German.

Federale Portaalsite (
Federal Portal. Information on the country, its culture and place in Europe, federal government, offices and personnel, regional government and communities, public services, and more. Also provides news bulletins for recent months. In Dutch and French, some English and German.

Raad van State (
Supreme Administrative Court of Belgium. Links to a full text-search of decisions of the court, information on its functions, legislative database, and a virtual visit. In Dutch, French, German, and English.

Constitution and Laws

Collection of National Copyright Laws. Belgium (
Text of Law on Copyright and Neighboring Rights of June 30, 1994, modified by the law of April 3, 1995, and the law of August 31, 1998, as translated by UNESCO. Also links to Belgian site on intellectual property.

Constitution Finder. Belgium (
Portal to constitutions worldwide. Links to Belgium. Texts in English, French, Dutch and German. From the University of Richmond, Virginia.

Federale Overheidsdienst Justitie (
Federal Public Service Ministry of Justice. Links to information on the Belgian judiciary system and provides access to Belgium's official gazette, Le Moniteur Belge (Belgisch Staatsblad). In Dutch, French, and German.

FindLaw (
Links to resources (both free and fee-based) on legislation in each country. Includes annotations in English. Maintained by Findlaw, a commercial Web site of legal resources.

New York University. School of Law. Law Library. Guide to Foreign and International Legal Databases (
Links to a variety of databases including environmental law, human rights, international criminal law, international treaties, international trade, research guide, and more. Searchable.

Portal du Droit Belge (
Information on and links to Belgian law. In Dutch and French.

U.S. Law Library of Congress. Guide to Law Online: Belgium (
Provides information and links for Belgium's constitution, branches of government, legal guides, and general sources.

World LII. Categories. Countries. Belgium (
Based in Austria, the World Legal Information Institute site links to information on courts and case-law, education, government, legislation, other indexes, parliament, alternative dispute resolution, elections, infrastructure, intellectual property, military law, poverty reduction, privatization, secured transactions, and more. Searchable.

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  Library of Congress   >> Global Gateway >> Portals to the World >> Belgium
  August 28, 2008
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