The Library of Congress >> Global Gateway >> Portals to the World >> Spain
Portals to the World: Links to Electronic Resources from Around the World selected by Library of Congress Subject Experts
Selected Internet Resources

Education: Spain

Created and maintained by the
Hispanic Division
Collections and Services Directorate

This pathfinder contains a listing of Spanish Portals and Web sites that provide links to resources relating to education.

Extensive lists of colleges and universities are available through such portales such as BRAINTRACK which links to Spanish universities ( The University of Oulu, in Finland, provides an listing of the "Best Indices of Colleges and Universities World-wide" (

The ERIC database provides a wide range of documents and articles for the international audience. The database contains more than one million abstracts of education-related documents and journal articles. One may access the ERIC database on the Internet or through commercial vendors and public networks. The ERIC abstracts are available in print publications such as Resources in Education and Current Index to Journals in Education.

For comprehensive information about the Spanish academic community, see below.

The arrangement of this pathfinder is divided into the following sections:

General Reference | Academic Presses | Dissertations | Higher Education | Legislation & Statistics | Libraries | Organizations & Institutions | Scholarships & Grants | Schools | Spanish Language | Vocational Education

General Reference, educación, formación y trabajo (
Portal specialized on education, training and professional opportunities that includes links to more than 20,000 resources (courses, programs, professional guidance, guides, etc...) aimed at assisting students and professionals to make decisions about their careers. Also provides guidance services to institutions and individuals. In Spanish.

ERIC Database (
Search the ERIC database for reports concerning Spain (or any other subject relating to education). ERIC is the world's largest source of education information, with more than 1.2 million abstracts of documents and journal articles on education research and practice.

Infoformacion (
Infoformacion (part of presents a selective directory of education centers divided into four sections : higher education, schools (mostly private), post-graduate education, and international post-graduate programs. In Spanish. Section with links to scholarships, prizes, libraries, housing and other information. In Spanish.

Academic Presses

Asociación de Editoriales Universitarias Españolas (AEUE) (
Provides a directory of Spanish academic presses who are members of AEUE and an online union catalog of their publications. For each academic press the following information is included: general information, distribution in Spain and abroad, languages in which they publish, and major collections. Includes a link to their blog. In Spanish.


Base de Datos de Tesis Doctorales (TESEO) (
Presents a search form to access a database which includes information of doctoral dissertations defended and approved in Spanish universities since 1976. In Spanish.

Higher Education

(See also Organizations & Institutions)

Universia: el Portal de Universidades (
This is a gateway to the University community in Spain with links to versions for the Spanish and Portuguese speaking world. Provides information about academic institutions, news, programs, libraries, research, scholarships, employment, and services and activites of interest for the Spanish academic community. The section devoted to academic institutions includes information about the history of Spanish universities, academic system, statistics, and a directory of universities. For each university the following information is included : link to official website, contact and basic information, statistics, direct links to the most essential Web pages with a brief description of their content, and highlights of interest. In Spanish.

Legislation & Statistics

Consulta de la Base de Datos de Leda (
This database contains legislation on education available in full-text. The following topics are covered : non-university education, higher education, culture, and sports. Search by region, descriptors and title. Created by the Spanish Ministry of Education. In Spanish.

Estadisticas (
This Web resource provides statistical information on high education in Spain, gathering comprehensive information on undergraduate and graduate students (both masters and Ph. D.). Covers data from 1996. In Spanish.


Bibliotecas universitarias y de investigación españolas (
Provides links to Spanish academic and research library Web sites arranged geographically by Autonomous Community. Also provides information and access to union catalogs available online. In Spanish.

REBIUN: red de bibliotecas universitarias (
REBIUN provides access to the online serial and book union catalogs of academic universities in Spain, the CSIC (Centro Superior de Investigaciones Científicas), and the Library of Catalonia. In Basque, Catalan, French, Galician, Portuguese and Spanish.

Red de Bibliotecas del CSIC (
Provides general information and access to resources and services of the CSIC library network. The CSIC (Centro Superior de Investigaciones Científicas) is an autonomous multisectorial, multi-disciplinary public research body affiliated with the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology. In Spanish.

Organizations & Institutions

Centro de Investigación y Documentación Educativa (
Official site of the Educational Research and Documentation Center (CIDE) which belongs to the Ministry of Education. Provides access to resources for the history of education in Spain, specialized virtual exhibitions, information about the archive and library of the Ministry of Education, CIDE's bulletins (in pdf format), resources for educational research (including studies and reports on education both in Spanish and English), and CIDE'S publications (some available in full-text). In Spanish.

CSIC, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (
The CSIC, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (Scientific Research Council) is an autonomous multisectorial, multi-disciplinary public research body affiliated to the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology. The CSIC Web site presents information about its organization, activities, centers, programs, and grants. Also provides access to library resources and CSIC reports. In Spanish, Catalan, Galicia, with some information available in English.

Comunidades Autónomas (
Presents a directory of departments and consejerías (ministries in certain autonomous governments) on education, culture, and sports. Arranged by the Autonomous Community (region). In Spanish.

Consejería de Educación en Estados Unidos y Canadá (
This Web site provides information about services and programs offered by the Education Office to improve the teaching and learning of Spanish in the U.S. Includes Spanish language teaching resources online and links to electronic resources focused on Spain. In Spanish.

Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (
Official site of the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science. Includes information about grants and scholarships, publications, statistics, international cooperation, Spanish foundations, intellectual property, job postings, press releases and a variety of documentation about the Ministry. In Spanish.

REDFUE : Red de Fundaciones Universidad Empresa (
"Red de Fundaciones Universidad-Empresa is a network coordinating joint projects of 25 foundations present throughout Spain. For the last 26 years, the activities of these foundations have materialized the common interest of several enterprises and universities in stimulating, in an innovative and subsidiary way, the wide range of opportunities for mutual cooperation." Provides access to information about the foundations within the network, their activities and projects, news, and links of interest. In Spanish. General information provided both in English and Spanish.

REDIRIS - Red Española de I + D (
RedIRIS is the Spanish National Research Network, funded by the National Plan for Research & Development and managed by the Scientific Research Council (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cienti´ficas). About 200 Spanish institutions are currently connected to RedIRIS, mainly universities and Research & Development Centers. Provides information about its services, IRIS community, publications, conferences, and innovation projects. In English and Spanish.

Scholarships & Grants

Becas, ayudas y premios (
Posts information about current scholarships and grants announced by the Ministry of Education and Science. Provides access to a database of current and expired scholarhips, grants, and prizes created by the Ministry of Education and other ministries. Also links to other official sites focused on the same type of information. In Spanish.

BECAS.COM: La información sobre becas
This Web site provides information regarding scholarships, courses, and job-related services. Also includes information about accommodations for students. Mostly focused on Spain and Latin American countries. In Spanish.


CNICE: Centro Nacional de Información y Comunicación Educativa (
This Web site provides links to official websites of public primary and secondary schools in Spain, centers of teaching resources, and other related centers such as EOI's (Official Schools of Languages). Schools and centers are organized geographically by Autonomous Community (region) and province. Also provides links to public Spanish centers abroad. In Spanish.

Registro Estatal de Centros Docentes No Universitarios (
Although excluding universities, it features a database providing information about private and public schools at all levels of education as well as centers specialized in art, music, dance, languages, and special education. Searches by type and/or levels of education and by geographical area. In Spanish.

Spanish Language

Cursos de Lengua y Cultura Española para Extranjeros (
Provides access to a database containing information about Spanish language and culture courses in Spain. In Spanish.

Spain Exchange (
This Web site aims at facilitating student exchanges to and from Spain through student advising, professional services to schools, and a study abroad directory. The directory includes the following information for students and educators : student housing, Spanish-language culture programs, study abroad USA-based programs, Spanish language schools, international primary and secondary schools, fairs & events, and other related resources and services. In English and Spanish.

Vocational Education

Formación Profesional (
Official site managed by the Ministry of Education providing information about vocational education defined as instruction directly aimed at preparation for immediate entry to a trade or occupation. In Spanish.


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  Library of Congress   >> Global Gateway >> Portals to the World >> Spain
  July 25, 2006
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