The Library of Congress >> Global Gateway >> Portals to the World >> Uganda
Portals to the World: Links to Electronic Resources from Around the World selected by Library of Congress Subject Experts
Selected Internet Resources

Society: Uganda

Includes anthropology, demography, sociology, ethnic groups, women and gender studies, diasporas.

Created and maintained by the
 African & Middle Eastern Division,
Collections and Services Directorate

African International Christian Ministry (AICM) (
"AICM is [a] ... project of service, founded and directed by Ugandans." Includes reports of the Batwa communities in Uganda and other information related to AICM activities.

Amnesty International (
‘Amnesty International is a worldwide campaigning movement that works to promote all the human rights enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international standards.' The English language homepage provides articles on human rights questions and abuses in countries around the globe. (
"Run by an international consortium of agencies that help asylum seekers in Australia, Canada, the United States, and several countries in Europe. Over 95% of the content on this site is open to the public, including asylum seekers from any country and the lawyers or advocates who represent them." - Buganda Home Page (
"A site describing the history, language and culture of the people of Buganda," located in Uganda.

Busoga Development Association (
"Busoga Development Association (BUDA) is an indigenous, independent, Christian Non-governmental organisation (NGO)... It was established in June 1996 with a mission to empower the poor and desperate men, women, generally families facing welfare problems, to awaken to their needs and ability to change and put this change into practicable use in making sustainable social economic development achieved by local communities ... Bukanga has about 4,378 households about 40% (1,751) households have been attacked by food and nutrition security, leaving 20% of the children under five years malnourished."

Children's Welfare Mission (
"The CWM is a Dutch based Evangelical Christian organization with the aim to help the disadvantaged orphans in Uganda ... who's [sic] goal it is to assist children in their struggle to get an education when their own parents have passed away and their remaining relatives do not have sufficient funds to do that for them."

Derechos Cafe - A Human Rights Hangout (
Offers documents, web links arranged by region and country, news reports as well as a directory of human rights organizations.

East African Co-operation (
"Through regional co-operation, EAC seeks to achieve the following objectives: strengthen and consolidate co-operation in the agreed fields with a view to bringing about equitable development among the member states and thereby uplift the living standards and quality of life of the people; promote sustainable utilization of the regions natural resources and effective protection of the environment; enhance the role of women in development; promote peace, security and good neighbourliness in the region; and establish an internationally competitive single market and investment area in the region" Kenya Tanzania and Uganda form this group. (
From the Electronic Library, searching the by country provides numerous narrative articles on its history, culture, politics.

Ethnologue (
Searching this comprehensive English language ethnological site by country name will yield lists and articles of the languages and linguistic groups spoken and read in it.

Foundation for Human Rights Initiative (Kampala) (
"Foundation for Human Rights Initiative (FHRI), an independent, non-profit organisation committed to the protection and promotion of human rights and democracy in Uganda. Since its inception in December 1991, FHRI has developed and implemented innovative human rights advocacy strategies and programmes; pressed for meaningful law reform and respect for due process of law; promoted practical human rights education; conducted paralegal training and community empowerment workshops; and fostered collaboration among human rights workers throughout Uganda."

Global IDP Project (
"Raising awareness on the plight of people internally displaced by conflict."

Human Rights Watch (
"Human Rights Watch is an independent, nongovernmental organization, supported by contributions from private individuals and foundations worldwide." Search its records for reports on the human rights records, abuses, etc. of any given country.

INCORE: Conflict Data Service: Regional Internet Guides (
Founded in 1993, INCORE (Initiative in Conflict Resolution and Ethnicity) offers a number of publications and services, including internet guides to particular countries involved in conflict. "Each guide lists sources which have unique, relevant and preferably substantive content relating to ethnicity and/or conflict in the country/region concerned."

International Committee of the Red Cross (
A search of this English language version of the ICRC site provides reports on the current humanitarian initiatives of this organization in any given country.

International Monetary Fund (
The IMF is an "organization of 183 member countries, established to promote international monetary cooperation, exchange stability, and orderly exchange; to foster economic growth and high levels of employment; and to provide temporary financial assistance to countries to help ease balance of payments adjustment." A search by country will yield reports on the IMF's initiatives and programs in it.

Journal of Humanitarian Assistance (
Published at the Department of Peace Studies, University of Bradford, Bradford, U.K., this site may be searched for articles in the journal concerning a particular country.

Makerere Institute of Social Research (
"Makerere Institute of Social Research (MISR), previously known as the East African Institute of Social Research, was established in 1948 and was mandated to carry out anthropological and other forms of social research. It participated in the formation of local and international academic pillars. MISR is now an autonomous institute of Makerere University. It conducts and coordinates basic and applied research; provides consultancy services to private, public and NGO sectors; undertakes networking with related institutions globally; develops and maintains a regional data bank and disseminates information."

Makerere University. Department of Women and Gender Studies (
"The Department, which was established in 1991 is the academic wing of the women's movement in Uganda. It is part of the faculty of Social Sciences and is a multi-disciplinary academic and community oriented unit at the forefront of initiatives to address gender and development issues from an African perspective."

Minorities at Risk Project (
"Minorities at Risk is an independent, university-based research project that monitors and analyzes the status and conflicts of politically-active communal groups in countries with a population of at least 500,000. The project is designed to provide information in standardized form that will contribute to the understanding and peaceful accommodation of conflicts involving communal groups. Selected project materials on 275 groups are available through this site for the information of researchers, students, public officials, journalists, activists, and other interested individuals."

The Mountain People Revisited (
Offers a wealth of information about the Ik people of northeastern Uganda.

Open Directory Portal Page on Islam (
The Open Directory Projects portal page on Islam offers hundreds of citations on various aspects of Islam as practiced around the globe, as well as sites which contain the complete Arabic and English texts of the Koran.

People With Disability - Uganda (PWDU) (
"People With Disabilities Uganda (PWDU) is a national, nonprofit, peace and disability rights organization based in Kampala, Uganda. Our mission is peace and accessible living for all."

Rubaga Youth Development Association (
"RYDA was founded to promote the position of the poor disadvantaged people through assisting them to increase their socio-economic independence. The organisation pays special attention to the youth, women and disadvantaged rural-urban children. RYDA's principal mission is to empower people by equipping them with information skills, and providing them with the opportunities that enhance and strengthen their potential to influence their own development."

UNRISD On-Line (U.N. Research Institute for Social Development) (
"UNRISD carries out research on the social dimensions of contemporary problems affecting development. Through its research, UNRISD stimulates dialogue and contributes to policy debates within and outside the United Nations system.

Uganda Bureau of Statistics (Entebbe) (
"The Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) is the central statistical office of Uganda. It conducts Censuses and Surveys which yield a wide range of economic, social and demographic statistics."

Uganda Children's Charity Foundation (
"There is an orphan crisis in Uganda. Currently the country is home to nearly one million children under 15 who have lost one or both parents to HIV/AIDS. UCCF was established in 1995 to care for orphans in Uganda with the goal of helping them become healthy and productive members of society. The foundation operates two orphanages and supports children living with HIV-positive widowed mothers, with a total of 850 children under its care. UCCF also sponsors the education of Ugandan children abroad with its U.S. Scholarship Program. In addition UCCF produces an award-winning dance troupe called "Children of Uganda," featuring children from UCCF programs who tour internationally to raise funds and increase awareness of AIDS and its impact on children."

Uganda Human Rights Education and Documentation Centre (
"The Uganda Human Rights Education and Documentation Centre (UHEDOC) was formed to respond to some of the problems already outlined above. It was formed by a core of founder members who had worked mainly with the Uganda Commission of Inquiry into Violations of Human Rights 1987 -1994. ...UHEDOC was registered as an NGO in 1995 and started set-up operations in September of the same year. UHEDOC works in partnership with the Danish Centre for Human Rights (DCHR) which is a Danish Government fund."

Uganda and Africa Forum (
"This web site is developed for "the 2nd, 3rd and 4th generation of Ugandan Asian and African expatriates in Britain and world-wide. In 1972 approximately 70,000 of us with our parents and grandparents were forced into a refugee status and told to leave Uganda within 90 days."

United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) (
"Works for children's rights, their survival, development and protection, guided by the Convention on the Rights of the Child." Site offers reports and information about the status and living situations of children in many countries.

United Nations ReliefWeb (
"ReliefWeb is a project of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)... serving the information needs of the humanitarian relief community" Offers news updates to crisis situations around the world and includes information about refugee camps and other relief efforts.

United States Committee for Refugees (USCR) (
Founded in 1958 to complement the UN's initiative to aid refugees, the USCR's site offers brief and detailed reports on refugee status in and from the various countries of the world.

United States. Agency for International Development. Development Experience Clearinghouse (DEC) (
"The purpose of the DEC is to strengthen USAID's development projects, activities, and programs by making ... development experience documents available to USAID offices and mission staff, PVO's, NGO's, universities and research institutions, developing countries, and the public worldwide."

United States. Department of State Report on Human Rights Practices (
This web site lists the reports for 1999-2001.

Women of Uganda Network (WOUGNET) (
"Women of Uganda Network (WOUGNET) is a non-governmental organisation initiated in May 2000 by several women's organisations in Uganda to develop the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) among women as tools to share information and address issues collectively."

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  Library of Congress >> Global Gateway >> Portals to the World >> Uganda
  September 28, 2005
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