The Library of Congress >> Global Gateway >> Portals to the World >> Laos
Portals to the World: Links to Electronic Resources from Around the World selected by Library of Congress Subject Experts
Selected Internet Resources

General Resources : Laos

This pathfinder includes information about general resources in Laos.

Created and maintained by the
 Asian Division
Collections and Services Directorate

Background Notes: Laos  (
A country profile prepared by the U.S. State Department containing basic information on the history, government, political conditions, people, and foreign relations of Laos.

CIA - The World Factbook -- Laos  (
Provides information on the geography, people, government, economy, communications, transportation, military, and transnational issues relating to Laos. In English. Updated annually.

Country Profile: Laos  (
Run by the British Broadcasting Corporation, this web page provides basic information about Laos including its population, exports, religion, leaders, and media.

Declassified Documents  (
Website maintained by Susan Xue. Provides useful links to information on the United States Government.

Detailed Country Profile: Laos  (
This website gives only a brief overview of Laos but through its links you can get statistics in over twenty aspects of life in Laos, including education, religion, media and sports.

GeographyIQ: World Atlas: Laos  (
This website provides very basic information on Laos but includes links to statistics in specific areas, such as government, communications and climate.

Hmong-Aust Resource Page  (
Hmong-Australian Resource Page. Includes information on Hmong in Australia, Laos, and other parts of the world.

Infoplease Search: laos  (
Part of the electronic Learning Network, this website search for Laos, yields articles in almanacs, dictionaries, encyclopedias, and biographical works on Laos.

Lao Study Review  (
Irregular scholarly journal published by the Lao Studies Society, Australia contains articles and book reviews on history, culture, religion, geography, and politics of Laos and Lao communities around the world. Articles largely deal with Lao communities in Australia. The site is part of LaoNet web site and features full-text of each article from issues 1-3, with bibliographical references. Each issue is also available in Word format.

Laos  (
General information on Laos including finance and economics.

Laos - Atlapedia Online  (
General information about Laos, including geography, climate, people, religions, languages, education, history, economy, communications, and military information.

The Laos WWW virtual library  (
As part of the Asian Studies division of the WWW Virtual Library, this site provides information on Laos and the Lao people throughout the world. In addition to providing background on the history, culture, art, and government of Laos, the site also provides links to other Web sites and publications.

Laos, a country study  (
Presents information on Laos, provided by the U.S. Library of Congress. Includes information on Laos' geography, economy, society, transportation, communications, government, politics, and national security. Discusses the country's history, ethnic groups, religion, international trade, land use, foreign affairs, and armed forces.

Memorial Library, UW-Madison.  (
Comprehensive site on Laos which includes current events and news, general information, government, economics and politics, and language and culture.

Southeast Asia Web  (
"The purpose of the site is to point to resources of interest to the Southeast Asianist scholarly community. Southeast Asia Web does not intend to be an all-inclusive guide to Southeast Asian Studies. Instead, Southeast Asia Web is a starting point for web searching, scholarly endeavor and just plain cruising in the world of Southeast Asia."

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  Library of Congress >> Global Gateway >> Portals to the World >> Laos
  September 19, 2005
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