The Library of Congress >> Global Gateway >> Portals to the World >> Cambodia
Portals to the World: Links to Electronic Resources from Around the World selected by Library of Congress Subject Experts
Selected Internet Resources

History : Cambodia

This pathfinder includes information about history in Cambodia.

Created and maintained by the
 Asian Division
Collections and Services Directorate

Asian Studies.  (
Provides access to a clearinghouse of information on Asian studies, edited by T. Matthew Ciolek of the Coombs Computing Unit of the Australian National University (ANU) for the World-Wide Web Virtual Library. Contains an overview of the site, which keeps track of leading information facilities in the field of Asian studies. Gives a breakdown by country for facilities. Includes instructions on submitting information to the archive.

Asian historical architecture  (
A comprehensive survey of Asia's architectural heritage. You can view over 5700 photos of 404 sites in fifteen countries, with extensive background information and innovative 'virtual tours.' The Cambodia content includes architectural images and maps from Angkor and Phnom Penh.

Cambodia  (
The Cambodia pages of World Statesmen lists the historical leaders of Cambodia. It lists the heads of state and government, has images of the Cambodian flag in different periods of history, includes maps, has the English text of the national anthem, chronology, as well as era names.

Cambodian Genocide Program  (
Contains information pertaining to human rights violations in Cambodia during the Khmer Rouge regime of 1975 to 1979. Much of the information is focused on "S-21" (the Tuol Sleng Prison), which was the headquarters of the Khmer Rouge secret police. Bibliographic database contains both primary and secondary documents; Biographic database is an index of Khmer Rouge leaders and their victims; Photographic database displays prisoner mug shots taken at S-21; the Geographic database is a collection of maps showing locations of mass graves, prisons, and memorials. Also features information on the Documentation Center of Cambodia, book reviews, additional photographs, and related information.

Phnom Penh Today and Before  (
The Royal Palace of The Kingdom of Cambodia.

Phnompenh  (
History of Phnom Penh City.

Timeline: Cambodia  (
Run by the British Broadcasting Corporation, this web page provides an outline of the history of Cambodia from 1863 until present.

World History Archives: History of Cambodia  (
Haines Brown of Hartford Web Publishing presents a collection of articles and documents pertaining to the modern history of Cambodia, as part of the World History Archives resource. The collection includes information on the political history, economy and environment, labor, society, and culture and religion of the country.

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  Library of Congress >> Global Gateway >> Portals to the World >> Cambodia
  September 19, 2005
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