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Descriptive Summary of 2003–04 Beginning Postsecondary Students: Three Years Later

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Table 1.1 Percentage distribution of beginning postsecondary students’ first institution level, by student and institutional characteristics: 2003–04

Table 1.2 Percentage distribution of beginning postsecondary students’ first institution control, by student and institutional characteristics: 2003–04

Table 1.3 Percentage distribution of beginning postsecondary students’ degree plans at their first institution, by student and institutional characteristics: 2003–04

Table 1.4 Percentage distribution of 2003–04 beginning postsecondary students’ enrollment intensity through 2006, by student and institutional characteristics

Table 1.5 Percentage distribution of the degree plans of beginning postsecondary students who were recent (2003) high school graduates, by fall 2003 enrollment intensity and student and institutional characteristics: 2003–04

Table 1.6 Percentage distribution of beginning postsecondary students’ gender and the percentage reporting a disability, by student and institutional characteristics: 2003–04

Table 1.7 Percentage distribution of beginning postsecondary students’ age, by student and institutional characteristics: 2003–04

Table 1.8 Percentage distribution of beginning postsecondary students’ race/ethnicity, by student and institutional characteristics: 2003–04

Table 1.9 Percentage distribution of beginning postsecondary students’ dependency and marital status, by student and institutional characteristics: 2003–04

Table 1.10 Percentage distribution of beginning postsecondary students’ parents’ highest education level, by student and institutional characteristics: 2003–04

Table 1.11 Percentage distribution of dependent beginning postsecondary students’ family income, by student and institutional characteristics: 2003–04

Table 1.12 Percentage distribution of beginning postsecondary students’ attendance pattern in their first year, by student and institutional characteristics: 2003–04

Table 2.1 Percentage distribution of beginning postsecondary students’ high school diploma status, by type of high school and student and institutional characteristics: 2003–04

Table 2.2 For beginning postsecondary students under age 24, percentage distribution of their high school grade point average (GPA), by student and institutional characteristics: 2003–04

Table 2.3 For beginning postsecondary students under age 24, percentage distribution of the highest level of high school mathematics taken, by student and institutional characteristics: 2003–04

Table 2.4 For beginning postsecondary students under age 24, percentage with advanced placement and college credits, by student and institutional characteristics: 2003–04

Table 2.5 For beginning postsecondary students under age 24, percentage who took college admission tests (ACT or SAT) and among those who did, percentage distribution of their admission test score rank, by student and institutional characteristics: 2003–04

Table 3.1 Among beginning postsecondary students who started at 4–year institutions, percentage distribution of the frequency with which they had graduate student instructors in their first year, by student and institutional characteristics: 2003–04

Table 3.2 Among beginning postsecondary students who started at 4–year institutions, percentage distribution of the frequency with which they had essay exams in their first year, by student and institutional characteristics: 2003–04

Table 3.3 Among beginning postsecondary students who began at 4–year institutions, percentage distribution of the frequency with which they had large lecture classes in their first year, by student and institutional characteristics: 2003–04

Table 3.4 Among beginning postsecondary students who began at 4–year institutions, percentage distribution of the frequency with which they wrote papers in their first year, by student and institutional characteristics: 2003–04

Table 3.5 Among beginning postsecondary students who started at 2– or 4–year institutions, percentage distribution of the frequency with which they had informal contact with faculty in their first year, by student and institutional characteristics: 2003–04

Table 3.6 Among beginning postsecondary students who started at 2– or 4–year institutions, percentage distribution of the frequency with which they talked with faculty about academic matters outside of class in their first year, by student and institutional characteristics: 2003–04

Table 3.7 Among beginning postsecondary students who started at 2– or 4–year institutions, percentage distribution of the frequency with which they met with an advisor in their first year, by student and institutional characteristics: 2003–04

Table 3.8 Among beginning postsecondary students who started at 2– or 4–year institutions, percentage distribution of the frequency with which they attended fine arts activities in their first year, by student and institutional characteristics: 2003–04

Table 3.9 Among beginning postsecondary students who started at 2– or 4–year institutions, percentage distribution of the frequency with which they participated in school clubs in their first year, by student and institutional characteristics: 2003–04

Table 3.10 Among beginning postsecondary students who started at 2– or 4–year institutions, percentage distribution of the frequency with which they participated in sports in their first year, by student and institutional characteristics: 2003–04

Table 3.11 Among beginning postsecondary students who started at 2– or 4–year institutions, percentage distribution of the frequency with which they attended study groups in their first year, by student and institutional characteristics: 2003–04

Table 3.12 Percentage of beginning postsecondary students who reported taking various types of courses in their first year, by student and institutional characteristics: 2003–04

Table 3.13 Percentage of 2003–04 beginning postsecondary students who reported various academic experiences, by student and institutional characteristics: 2006

Table 4.1 Percentage of 2003–04 beginning postsecondary students who attained a degree and percentage distribution of their persistence and attainment status anywhere through June 2006, by student and institutional characteristics

Table 4.2 Among 2003–04 beginning postsecondary students who started at public 2–year institutions, percentage who attained a degree and percentage distribution of their persistence and attainment status anywhere through June 2006, by student and institutional characteristics

Table 4.3 Among 2003–04 beginning postsecondary students who started at 4–year institutions, percentage who attained a degree and percentage distribution of their persistence and attainment status anywhere through June 2006, by student and institutional characteristics

Table 5.1 Percentage distribution of 2003–04 beginning postsecondary students by degree attainment and retention status at their first institution through June 2006, by student and institutional characteristics

Table 5.2 Among 2003–04 beginning postsecondary students who started at public 2–year institutions, percentage distribution by attainment and retention status at their first institution through June 2006, by student and institutional characteristics

Table 5.3 Among 2003–04 beginning postsecondary students who started at 4–year institutions, percentage distribution by attainment and retention status at their first institution through June 2006, by student and institutional characteristics

Table 6.1 Percentage of 2003–04 beginning postsecondary students who attained a degree by June 2006 and, for students who did not attain, last year enrolled, by student and institutional characteristics

Table 6.2 Among 2003–04 beginning postsecondary students who started at public 2–year institutions, percentage who attained a degree by June 2006 and, for students who did not attain, last year enrolled, by student and institutional characteristics

Table 6.3 Among 2003–04 beginning postsecondary students who started at 4–year institutions, percentage who attained a degree by June 2006 and, for students who did not attain, last year enrolled, by student and institutional characteristics

Table 7.1 Percentage of 2003–04 beginning postsecondary students who reported various reasons for leaving in 2004 without completing, by student and institutional characteristics

Table 7.2 Percentage of 2003–04 beginning postsecondary students who reported various reasons for transferring from their first institution, by student and institutional characteristics: 2006

Table 8.1 Percentage of beginning postsecondary students who reported that they had participated in community service in the last year, and among those who had, amount and type of service, by student and institutional characteristics: 2003–04

Table 8.2 Percentage of 2003–04 beginning postsecondary students who reported that they had participated in community service in the last year, and among those who had, amount and type of service, by student and institutional characteristics: 2006

Table 8.3 Among 2003–04 beginning postsecondary students who had participated in community service in the last year, percentage who reported various benefits and effects of their community service, by student and institutional characteristics: 2006

Table 9.1 Among 2003–04 beginning postsecondary students who were employed and not enrolled in 2006, percentage who reported various characteristics of their jobs, by student and institutional characteristics

Table 9.2A Median annual salaries of 2003–04 beginning postsecondary students who were employed and not enrolled in 2006, by student and institutional characteristics

Table 9.2B Median annual salaries of 2003–04 beginning postsecondary students who were employed and not enrolled in 2006, by student and institutional characteristics

Table 10.1A Among beginning postsecondary students, average tuition, average price of attendance, and percentage who received any financial aid, any grants, or any student loans and the average amounts received, by type of institution and selected student characteristics: 2003–04

Table 10.1B Among beginning postsecondary students, average tuition, average price of attendance, and percentage who received any financial aid, any grants, or any student loans and the average amounts received, by type of institution and selected student characteristics: 2003–04

Table 10.2A Percentage of beginning postsecondary students who received Federal Pell, state, institutional, or merit–only grants and the average amounts received, by type of institution and selected student characteristics: 2003–04

Table 10.2B Percentage of beginning postsecondary students who received Federal Pell, state, institutional, or merit–only grants and the average amounts received, by type of institution and selected student characteristics: 2003–04

Table 10.3A Among full–time/full–year beginning postsecondary students, average tuition, price of attendance, and percentage who received any financial aid, grants, and loans and the average amounts received, by type of institution and selected student characteristics: 2003–04

Table 10.3B Among full–time/full–year beginning postsecondary students, average tuition, price of attendance, and percentage who received any financial aid, grants, and loans and the average amounts received, by type of institution and selected student characteristics: 2003–04

Table 10.4A Percentage of full–time/full–year beginning postsecondary students who received Federal Pell, state, institutional, or merit–only grants and the average amounts received, by type of institution and selected student characteristics: 2003–04

Table 10.4B Percentage of full–time/full–year beginning postsecondary students who received Federal Pell, state, institutional, or merit–only grants and the average amounts received, by type of institution and selected student characteristics: 2003–04

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