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Portals to the World: Links to Electronic Resources from Around the World selected by Library of Congress Subject Experts
Selected Internet Resources

General Resources: Mexico


Created and maintained by the
Hispanic Division, Collections and Services Directorate

This pathfinder contains basic information about Mexico and a listing of general country websites. The most important source for bibliography of books and articles concerning Mexico is the annual Handbook of Latin American Studies ( produced by over 160 contributing editors under the editorship of the Hispanic Division of the Library of Congress. The World Factbook provides current country specific information.

Additional coverage of journal articles can be found through a subscription to the Hispanic American Periodical Index ( Both the Handbook and HAPI are available in selected libraries in book form.

One of the major aggregators for links to a wide variety of subjects relating to regional resources for Latin America is the University of Texas' LANIC ( DMOZ, The Open Directory Project ( is another aggregator that provides subject and country specific links.

Another site one should especially note is the site prepared by the Law Library of the Library of Congress for international and multinational information on their Guide to Law Online (

Altapedia Online: Mexico (
Presents information on Mexico, provided by Latimer Clarke Corporation Pty. Ltd. Includes information on the country's government, geography, climate, population, demographics, religions, languages, education, and Mexico's modern history from World War II to 1993. Highlights Mexico's currency, economy, major industries, main exports, transportation, communications, and military forces. In English.

Background Note: Mexico (
The Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs of the U.S. Department of State presents a country profile of Mexico, published in January 2001. The bureau highlights the country's geography, terrain, population, government, political parties, economy, the history of Mexico, and the political conditions of the country. In English.

Cibercentro (
Presents CiberCentro, based in Miami, Florida. Posts contact information via telephone and fax numbers, as well as e-mail. CiberCentro offers information for Hispanics. Contains classifieds, announcements, maps, newsgroups, references, newspapers, magazines, and universities. Provides access to information on international trade, sports, entertainment, government, and Internet service providers. Site is available in English and Spanish. Highlights information on Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, El Salvador, Ecuador, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Puerto Rico, Peru, Venezuela, Paraguay, and Uruguay. In English and Spanish.

Country Briefings: Mexico (
The Economist Newspaper Ltd. presents a country profile and recent articles on Mexico. The Economist includes a fact sheet on Mexico and information on the country's political and economic outlook, economic data, political forces, political structure, and the economic structure of Mexico.

Country Profile: Mexico (
Prepared by the Library of Congrtess' Federal Research Division, this provides brief, summarized information as of July 2006 on the country’s historical background, geography, society, economy, transportation and telecommunications, government and politics, and national security.

Country Profiles: Mexico (
Prepared by Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) desk officers, the profiles provide a general overview of the country concerned and include information on the country's recent history, recent political developments, relations with the international community, and bilateral political and commercial relations with the UK, as well as links to other relevant pages on the FCO site.

Cultural Profiles Project: Mexico
Overview of life and customs in Mexico seeks to provide Canadians with information about new immigrants. A brief synopsis on the landscape and climate, family life, world of work (labor situation), sports, health care, education, food, communications, and spirituality gives insight into some customs, but does not cover all aspects of life. Customs described may not apply in equal measure to all newcomers from the profiled country. Developed in association with the AMNI Centre at the Faculty of Social Work, University of Toronto.

Discovering Mexico (
The National Geographic Society presents a multimedia presentation on Mexico, as a companion Web site to "Discovering Mexico," an article that appeared in the August 1996 issue of "National Geographic." Users need Real Audio software to view the presentation. The society offers information about such cities and regions as Mexico City, Tijuana and the border between the United States and Mexico, the interior of Mexico, and Chiapas, a rain forest region. Daily dispatches by photojournalists, photographic images, and personal narratives form part of the presentation. In English.

Instituto Nacional de Estadistica, Geografia e Informática (INEGI) (
National Institute of Statistics, Geography and Informatics is responsible for integrating Mexico's systems of statistical and geographic information and promoting and orienting the development of informatics in the country. Includes statistics on environment, society and demographics, economy, science and technology. Links to services, events, publications, related sites, and more. In Spanish.

Meet Mexico (
This Web site by the Embassy of Mexico to the United Kingdom provides general country information and features the following topics: Mexican history from Aztecs to the post independence period, Mexico: an overview, the country, symbols, the land, the people, government, economy, education, food and drink, festivals and holidays, music and dance, and Mexican art. In English.

Mexico 2005 (
The profile includes information about the geography, population, economy, government, leaders, military, transportation, communications, and international issues of the country. This information was obtained from the World Factbook. Links to Web sites that offer maps and images of the flag of the country are available. In English.

Mexico: A Country Study (
Presents the full text of "Mexico--A Country Study," published by the U.S. Library of Congress in 1997. Discusses Mexico's history, geography, society, economy, transportation, communications, government, politics, and national security. In English.

Mexico Channel.Net (
Presents a directory of Web sites related to Mexico. Links to arts and culture resources, museums, radio and television stations, news items, and financial market information. In English.

Mexico Connect (
Presents "Mexico Connect," a monthly electronic magazine regarding all aspects of Mexico, published by Conexion Mexico S.A. de C.V. Includes feature articles, photographs, recipes, a holiday calendar, online forums, and tourist information.Some portions require a paid subscription. In English

Mexico Online (
Presents a directory of Web sites related to Mexico as a service of Mexico Online . Offers access to businesses, travel sites, cultural resources, holiday calendars, and general details on the country. Links to newsgroups, nonprofit organizations, publications, and other resources. In English.

USAID: Latin America and the Caribbean: Mexico (
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) provides information concerning its current economic and humanitarian assistance programs in Mexico. USAID also offers links to Web sites featuring background information on Mexico, as well as links to multilateral donors, government institutions, and other related Web sites. In English.

World Infozone: Mexico Information (
The World InfoZone, a service of WebTech Designs and Education Ltd., presents a country profile of Mexico. This profile offers details about the country's geography, architecture, population, languages, history, public holidays and festivals, food, religion, and more. This profile also features links to related sources. In English.

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August 31, 2006
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