A Brief History of the United States Naval Academy


1840's 1850's 1860's 1870"s 1880's 1890's 1900's 1910's 1920's 1930's 1940's 1950's 1960's 1970's 1980's 1990's 2000's

The First Army-Navy Football Game, 1890-click for larger image

Training Aboard Ship, 1890-click for larger image

Instruction in Electricity, 1890-click for larger image

Plebe Hazing, 1890's-click for larger image

Midshipman and their Drags, approx. 1897-click for larger image

Naval Cadets in Front of New Quarters,1893-click for larger image




The Navy "N" varsity athletic letter is introduced.

June 13, 1890

Captain Robert L. Phythian becomes superintendent.

November 29, 1890

The Naval Academy football team first plays and defeats the United States Military Academy 24-0.


The Naval Academy Athletic Association is founded by Commander Colby M. Chester.


The colors of the Naval Academy are designated blue and gold. This ends the tradition of each class selecting its own colors.


Bill the Goat makes his debut as Navy's mascot.

Midshipman Joseph M. Reeves (USNA 1894) invents the first football helmet.


The yearbook Lucky Bag is first published.

November 15, 1894

Captain Philip H. Cooper becomes superintendent.


The Board of Visitors, of which Robert Means Thompson is a member, condemns the Academy's inadequate facilities and recommends new buildings to replace those erected during the administration of Admiral Porter. Mr. Ernest Flagg, an eminent New York architect, develops an architectural and topographical master plan for a new academy. He and Robert Thompson prepare a comprehensive plan for rebuilding the entire Naval Academy.

Thompson Trophy for best all-round athlete is established.

January, 1896

The Board of Survey endorsed the Flagg grand Beaux Arts style plan to rebuild the Naval Academy.

April 23-August, 1898

The Spanish-American War begins. At the outset of the war, 2,307 midshipmen had graduated from the Naval Academy. Dewey, Sampson, and Schley are among graduates who win new combat luster for the school.

July 15, 1898

Rear Admiral Frederick V. McNair becomes superintendent.

July 16, 1898

Following the American naval victory at Santiago, Admiral Cervera and other officers of the Spanish Navy are quartered in Academy buildings as "prisoners of war," though they are soon paroled and spend the summer enjoying the hospitality of Academy personnel and Annapolis society more as guests than prisoners.


Park Benjamin, class of 1867, designs the Naval Academy Seal. This is approved and adopted by the Navy Department. The seal is a hand grasping a trident, below which is a shield bearing an ancient galley coming into action. Below that is an open book, indicative of education. The motto is Ex Scientia Tridens: From Knowledge, Sea Power.

The Army-Navy football game is held for the first time in Philadelphia (Franklin Field). The score was Army 17 - Navy 5.

March 28, 1899

Construction begins on Dahlgren Hall, first building of the "New Naval Academy."

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