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TITLE: Life Beyond MARC: the Case for Revolutionary Change in Library Systems and Services
SPEAKER: Roy Tennant
EVENT DATE: 09/15/2005
RUNNING TIME: 65 minutes
Roy Tennant makes a case for revolutionary change in the ways libraries do their business and make their offerings available to the public via the Internet.
Speaker Biography: Roy Tennant is an award winning, internationally recognized pioneer in digital library development and Internet training. He is manager of eScholarship Web & Services Design for the California Digital Library. He created and manages the eScholarship web site at http://escholarship.cdlib.org/. Prior to that he was the digital library project manager for the library at the University of California, Berkeley. He developed and managed UC Berkeley's Digital Library SunSITE (Software, Information and Technology Exchange), sponsored by Sun Microsystems. The SunSITE is a showcase and repository of information about how to plan, create and maintain digital libraries. It provides access to many of the digital libraries on the World Wide Web.