[Federal Register: July 11, 1997 (Volume 62, Number 133)]
[Page 37205-37211]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



Employment and Training Administration


Office of Vocational and Adult Education

School-to-Work Opportunities Act: Leadership Development
Application Procedures

AGENCIES: Employment and Training Administration, Labor. Office of 
Vocational and Adult Education, Education.

ACTION: Notice of availability of funds and solicitation for Leadership 
Development Grant Applications (SGA).


SUMMARY: This notice contains all of the necessary information and 
forms needed to apply for grant funding. The Departments of Labor and 
Education jointly invite proposals for one new award in FY 1997, as 
authorized under section 403 of the School-to-Work Opportunities Act of 
1994 (the Act). This award will be used to provide seed capital to 
support research and policy exchanges between State and local School-
to-Work leaders and government and business leaders from other 
countries. The intent is to provide a grant to an organization that has 
the demonstrated capability to undertake these activities and to use 
these funds to leverage support for the maintenance of this effort once 
the Federal investment had ended.

DATES: Applications for grant awards will be accepted commencing July 
11, 1997. The closing date for receipt of applications is August 11, 
1997, at 4 p.m. (Eastern Time) at the address below. Telefacsimile 
(FAX) applications will not be honored.

ADDRESSES: Applications shall be mailed to: U.S. Department of Labor, 
Employment and Training Administration, Division of Acquisition and 
Assistance, Attention: Ms. Laura Cesario, Reference: SGA/DAA 97-018, 
200 Constitution Avenue, N.W., Room S-4203, Washington, D.C. 20210.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Division of Acquisition and 
Assistance, telephone: (202) 219-8694 (this is not a toll free number). 
This solicitation will also be published on the Internet, on the 
Employment and Training Administration's Home Page at http://

Leadership Development Solicitation

I. Purpose

    To invite proposals to establish a leadership program for State and 
local School-to-Work leaders to support international research and 
policy exchanges with a focus on youth education and employment 
development, including skill standards and qualifications and portable 
credential systems; institutional and social partnerships; integrated 
curriculum; and policy development within the context of globalization, 
technological and economic change.

II. Background

    The School-to-Work Opportunities Act was signed into law by the 
President on May 4, 1994. Jointly

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administered by the Departments of Labor and Education, this Act is a 
new approach to education that seeks to better prepare all American 
youth for careers in high skill, high wage jobs and to strengthen the 
linkages between what is learned in school with work. Under the Act, 
venture capital grants are provided to States and local communities to 
undertake systemic reform. Grants are for a limited duration with the 
Federal investment declining over time. These investments are intended 
to support the one-time costs of States and local communities to 
restructure learning experiences for all students. The Act also 
provides a set-aside of funds for national activities to support 
School-to-Work system-building nationwide. These funds are used for 
technical assistance and capacity building, for outreach, and for 
research and evaluation.

III. Statement of Work

    The focus on global competitiveness, rapidly changing technology 
and its impact on work force preparedness of individuals is not unique 
to the United States. Both U.S. and policy leader from other countries 
have struggled to address the ``skills gap'' among its youth and the 
need to prepare students to succeed in the rapidly changing workplace. 
Policy leaders have long benefitted from international exchange and 
policy learning. The enactment of the National School-to-Work 
Opportunities Act was preceded by almost a decade of study and 
experimentation by national, State and local policy leaders. National 
and State leaders in particular were heavily influenced by the European 
models. Many of the early State initiatives were modeled after the 
European apprenticeship and training programs. The Competitiveness and 
Human Resources program of the German Marshall Fund has served 
community, state and federal policy makers and the research community. 
This program has been phased-out. The Departments believe that there is 
a need to continue this capability if the School-to-Work initiative is 
to reach scale and sustainability. The School-to-Work movement is 
approaching year three in its design and implementation strategy and 
funding. Much has been accomplished, but just as our colleagues abroad 
are faced with evaluating their education and training systems' ability 
to respond and prepare individuals for careers in the new global 
economy, so too must STW leaders evaluate their progress to date. 
School-to-Work leaders need to understand how systems work and how to 
build them. Policy makers on both sides of the Atlantic recognize the 
need to find more cost-effective ways of providing high quality initial 
and continuing education and work force training for all. Trans-
Atlantic networks can and do assist in devising new policies and 
programs promoting effective approaches benchmarked to best practice.
    The Departments are interested in capacity-building and leadership 
support activities that are specifically targeted to State and local 
STW leaders, with the intent to:
    * Facilitate communications and partnerships among lead
agencies, programs, Ministries and policy research communities 
addressing issues of transitions from school-to-work education reform, 
and work force training in the U.S. and Europe and focusing on such 
areas as: skill standards and certifications, innovations in curriculum 
development, partnerships between public and private institutions, 
integration of school-based and work-based learning; organization and 
recruitment of the business and labor communities; and strategies for 
serving the needs of out-of-school youth.
    * Disseminate information, analysis and technical assistance
on best practices, promising innovations and programs evaluations 
relevant to the needs of national, state and local policy makers, 
researchers and education/training program practitioners and directors.
    * Develop strategic trans-Atlantic networks to promote new
forms of partnerships centered on related initiatives;
    * Provide a forum for continuing international policy
exchange with National, State and local STW leaders, through multi-year 
activities, organized by policy domain areas and based on a planned 
calendar of research, conferences and site visits.
    Over the past decade the German Marshall Fund has promoted 
increased trans-Atlantic understanding and collaboration on employment 
and training issues. The Departments are seeking an organization to 
assume this type work which is no longer being supported by the German 
Marshall Fund. The Departments' intent is to award funds under this 
solicitation to an organization that has demonstrated the capability to 
undertake these activities and to use these funds to leverage support 
for the maintenance of this effort once the Federal investment has 
ended. Further, the Department intends that the funds available under 
this grant will be used to support activities, but will not be used to 
cover international travel expenses. Organizations submitting a 
proposal under this solicitation must demonstrate how such 
international travel expenses will be financed.

IV. Application Process

Eligible Applicants
    Non-profit organizations that can demonstrate the capability to 
undertake this project, including requirements for leveraging funds. In 
preparing the proposal, please use the following headings and respond 
to the information requested in each of the following categories.
    i. Project Title. Identify the title of the proposed policy 
exchange program.
    ii. Project Proposal. Provide a description of the proposed 
project. This description should include information on the capability 
of the offeror to undertake this project and should specifically 
address the prior experience and current capability of the offeror to 
establish these international policy exchanges. The proposal must 
describe the approach and methodologies the offeror will employ in 
establishing these international research and policy exchanges and 
should be specific as to activities, with time lines, that are proposed 
including how these activities will build the capacity of State and 
local leaders to implement School-to-Work systems. The proposal should 
also detail specific products that will be developed and how these 
products will be disseminated.
    iii. Staff Involved. Provide information about the staff proposed 
for this project, including their background and qualifications as well 
as percentage of time committed to the project.
    iv. Support and Sustainability. Provide information on how the 
organization intends to use the funds under this award to leverage 
additional funding to support the continuation of this project once the 
federal funds have ended. The offeror must provide specific information 
on how international travel expenses will be financed since federal 
funds may not be used for this project.

V. Application Submittal

    Applicants must submit an original and three (3) copies of their 
proposal. The applications shall be divided into two distinct parts: 
Part I--which contains Standard Form (SF 424, ``Application for Federal 
Assistance,'' (Appendix A) and ``Budget Information Sheet'' (Appendix 
B). All copies of the

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SF 424 must have original signatures of the designated fiscal agent. 
Applicants shall indicate on the SF-424 the organization's IRS status. 
The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance number is 17.249. In 
addition, the budget shall include--on a separate page(s)--a detailed 
cost break-out of each line item on the Budget Information Sheet. Part 
II shall contain the program narrative that demonstrates the 
applicant's plan and capabilities in accordance with evaluation 
criteria contained in this notice. Applicants must describe their plan 
in light of each of the Evaluation Criteria. No cost data or reference 
to price shall be included in this part of the application. Applicants 
must limit the program narrative section to no more than 25 double-
spaced pages, on one side only. This includes any attachments. 
Applications that fail to meet the page limitation requirements will 
not be considered.

VI. Late Applications

    Any application received after the exact date and time specified 
for receipt at the office designated in this notice will not be 
considered, unless it is received before awards are made and it--(a) 
Was sent by registered or certified mail not later than the fifth 
calendar day before the date specified for receipt of applications 
(e.g., an application submitted in response to a solicitation requiring 
receipt of applications by the 20th of the month must have been mailed/
post marked by the 15th of that month); or (b) Was sent by the U.S. 
Postal service Express Mail next Day Service to addresses not later 
than 5:00 P.M. at the place of mailing two working days prior to the 
date specified for receipt of applications. The term ``working days'' 
excludes weekends and Federal holidays.
    The term ``post marked'' means a printed, stamped or other wise 
place impression (exclusive of a postage meter machine impression) that 
is readily identifiable, without further action, as having been 
supplied or affixed on the date of mailing by an employee of the U.S. 
Postal Service.

VII. Hand Delivered Applications

    It is preferred that applications be mailed at least five days 
prior to the closing date. To be considered for funding, hand-delivered 
applications must be received by 4:00 p.m., (Eastern Time), on the 
closing date. Telegraphed and/or faxed applications will not be 
honored. Failure to adhere to the above instructions will be a basis 
for a determination of nonresponsiveness. Overnight express mail from 
carriers other than the U.S. Postal Service will be considered hand-
delivered applications and must be received by the above specified date 
and time.

VIII. Funding Availability and Period of Performance

    The Departments' expected to make one award, not to exceed 
$500,000. The period of performance will be for 12 months from the date 
the grant is awarded. The Departments may, at their option, provide 
additional funds for a second year, depending upon availability of 
funds, and performance of the awardee.

IX. Review Process

    A careful evaluation of applications will be made by a technical 
review panel, who will evaluate the applications against the criteria 
listed below. The government may elect to award the grant without 
discussions with the offeror. In such situations, an award based on the 
offeror's signature on the SF 424 constitutes a binding offer.

Evaluation Criteria

    1. The innovation and soundness of the plan. (30 Points)
    * Does the plan address the activities identified in the
work statement?
    * Does the plan indicate how it will identify and bring
together international leaders?
    * Is the plan specific as to the products that will be
developed and how these products will be disseminated?
    * Are the goals and objectives of the plan clearly
    * Is the target audience clearly identified?
    * Is the plan specific as to methodology and approach?
    2. The capability and experience of the offeror in establishing 
international exchange programs. (20 Points)
    * Has the offeror clearly identified prior experience in
establishing international exchanges in related fields?
    * Does the offeror demonstrate the capability to identify
and bring together appropriate leaders both in the U.S. and 
    3. The knowledge and experience of the offeror in school-to-work 
transition and related education and training fields. (20 Points)
    * Does the offeror cite specific examples of prior
experience in school-to-work transition and related fields?
    * Does the proposed staff have background and experience in
working in areas related to school-to-work transition?
    * Does the proposal reflect an understanding of issues and
effective strategies relating to transitioning young people from school 
to careers?
    4. The demonstrated capability of the offeror to commit and 
leverage resources for this project. (30 Points)
    * Has the offeror identified the amount and sources of
resources to be committed to this project?
    * Is the plan specific as to how proposed international
travel will be financed?
    * Does the offeror make a compelling case for being able to
sustain these efforts once federal funds are no longer available?
    The grant will be awarded based on applicant response to the above 
mentioned criteria and what is otherwise most advantageous to the 
Departments. The panel results are advisory in nature and not binding 
on the Grant Officer.

    Signed at Washington, D.C., this 8th day of July 1997.
Janice E. Perry,
Grant Officer.


Appendix A: Application for Federal Assistance, SF Form 424
Appendix B: Budget Information Sheet


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[FR Doc. 97-18258 Filed 7-10-97; 8:45 am]