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Early Childhood Longitudinal Program (ECLS)

Data Information


1998-1999 (the kindergarten year): The ECLS-K child assessments, parent interviews, and teacher questionnaires were conducted in the fall. Children, parents, and teachers participated again in the spring, along with school administrators.

1999-2000 (the first grade year): The ECLS-K conducted child assessments and parent interviews for a 30 percent sub-sample in the fall. The full sample of children, parents, teachers, and school administrators participated in the spring.

2002 (the third grade year): The ECLS-K conducted child assessments and parent interviews in the spring. Teachers and school administrators completed questionnaires.

2004 (the fifth grade year): The ECLS-K conducted child assessments and parent interviews in the spring. Teachers and school administrators completed questionnaires.

2007 (the eighth grade year): The ECLS-K followed the children into middle school. Information was collected from the children, their parents, teachers, and school administrators.

Released Data

The Base Year (kindergarten year), First Grade, the Longitudinal Kindergarten - First Grade, the Third Grade, the Longitudinal Kindergarten through Third Grade, the Fifth Grade, and the Longitudinal Kindergarten through Fifth Grade data files are available for public use.

Restricted Data

Due to NCES' confidentiality legislation, you will need to obtain (or amend) a restricted data license to access restricted data from the ECLS-K.

Data Format

All ECLS-K data are released in CD-ROM format. The CD-ROMs include the data files, electronic codebooks (ECB), user's manuals, the survey instruments, and the record layouts. The ECB can be used to 1) examine variables in a data set, 2) examine question wording, response categories and frequency distributions, and 3) select and export variables along with the appropriate code needed to create SAS, SPSS-PC, and STATA datasets.

Errata Information

The following links are instructions relevant to documenting and repairing errors on ECLS-K Data Files.

  • ECLS-K Child Disability Composite Errata and ECB Functionality Errata for Data Products Released 2000 through 2006 (NCES 2007031)
  • ECLS-K Base Year Public-Use ECB Errata (NCES 2001029e)
