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Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS)

1999-2000 SASS Questionnaires

The SASS underwent a content redesign in preparation for the 1999-2000 round of SASS. Public charter schools became a new school sector for SASS and quesionnaires were sent to charter schools, principals and teachers. The 1999-2000 SASS discontinued the student records survey and library media specialist survey, but retained the library media center survey. For help viewing PDF files, go to the Technical Issues page.

Teacher Listing Form

The Teacher Listing Form collects the full list of teachers from a school, along with information on grades and subject matter taught, demographic characteristics and full or part-time teaching status. This information is necessary to draw the teacher sample and send out the Teacher questionnaire.

School District Questionnaire

The School District Questionnaire consisted of items about student enrollments, number of teachers, teacher recruitment and hiring practices, teacher dismissals, existence of a teacher union, length of the contract year, teacher salary schedules, school choice, magnet programs, high school graduation requirements, and professional development for teachers and administrators.

The 1999-2000 SASS School District Questionnaire added new items concerning:

  • the percentage of payroll dedicated to school staff benefits
  • oversight of home-schooled students and charter schools
  • use of school performance reports
  • migrant education
  • procedures for recruiting and dismissing teachers

Some items that appeared previously in SASS were dropped, such as layoff data and counts of students by grade level.

School Questionnaires

The SASS School Questionnaires were sent to public schools, private schools, BIA schools and public charter schools. Items covered grades offered, number of students enrolled, staffing patterns, teaching vacancies, high school graduation rates, programs and services offered, and college attendance rates.

The 1999-2000 version for public, private and BIA schools incorporated new items on:

  • computers-number, access to the Internet, and whether there is a computer coordinator in the school
  • availability of certain types of curricular options
  • how special education students' needs are met
  • changes in the school year or weekly schedule
  • the enrollment capacity of schools
  • whether schools have programs for disruptive students

In 1999-2000, data collection for the private school component of SASS coincided with the administration of NCES' Private School Survey (PSS) which is not a component of SASS. PSS is administered to all of the nation's private schools every two years and is the sampling frame for other NCES surveys of private schools.

Since both PSS and SASS were administered in 1999-2000, in an effort to reduce respondent burden, the private schools in the SASS sample were not sent a PSS questionnaire. Instead, the SASS Private School Questionnaire contained the PSS items.

School Principal Questionnaires

The School Principal Questionnaire collected information about principal or school head demographic characteristics, training, experience, salary, and judgments about the seriousness of school problems. The 1999-2000 School Principal Questionnaire also covered new data on:

  • principals' frequency of engaging in various school and school-related activities
  • perceived degree of influence of principals and other groups (state, local, school, and parents) in setting performance standards for students
  • barriers (e.g., personnel policies, inadequate documentation, lack of support, stress) to dismissing poor of incompetent teachers
  • rewards or sanctions for success or failure to meet district or state performance goals
  • means for assessing progress on school improvement plan

The four versions contain only minor differences in phrasing to reflect differences in governing bodies and position titles in the schools.

Teacher Questionnaires

The SASS Teacher Questionnaire collected data from teachers about their education and training, teaching assignment, certification, workload and perceptions and attitudes about teaching. The 1999-2000 SASS Teacher Questionnaire expanded data collection on teacher preparation, induction, organization of classes, and professional development. It also collected new data on the use of computers.

The four versions of the teacher questionnaire were virtually identical, except that charter school teachers who worked in the school prior to its becoming a charter school were asked if they supported the conversion.

Library Media Center Questionnaires

The School Library Media Center Questionnaire asked public, private and BIA schools about their access to and use of new information technologies. The questionnaire collected data on: library collections, media equipment and use of technology, staffing, student services and collaboration between the library media specialist and classroom teachers.

Schools could respond to the School Library Media Center Questionnaire in the usual paper and pencil mode or by using a web-based survey form on the Internet.
