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  Equal Opportunity Programs Office


Welcome to the Equal Opportunity Programs Office  

Equal Employment Opportunity is a concept that is rooted in the idea of creating an environment where each individual can fully participate in the activities of an organization to his or her greatest ability without facing unnecessary obstacles. Goddard Space Flight Center is committed to equal opportunity and appreciation of diversity through policies, programs and activities that promote sensitivity and accommodations for all people.

"The strength at the core of a diverse workforce, is each individual's unique, yet equal, opportunity to succeed."

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Jump to Hispanic Heritage Month activities in September

Jump to Hispanic Heritage Month activities in October

Jump to Disability in Employment Awareness Month activities in October


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Mes Nacional de la Hispanidad del 2008

Proclama del Presidente de Estados Unidos de Norteamérica

Durante el Mes Nacional de la Hispanidad, expresamos nuestro reconocimiento a los muchos estadounidenses de origen hispano que han hecho extraordinarios aportes a nuestra nación.

Las ricas tradiciones culturales de la comunidad hispana en Estados Unidos han tenido un impacto notable en esta sociedad. Los diversos orígenes de los hispanoamericanos y su dedicación a la familia se han convertido en un aspecto integral de Estados Unidos. Estos ciudadanos, muy comprometidos con la fe y muy deseosos de vivir el Sueño Americano, están haciendo realidad los plenos beneficios de la libertad. Las oportunidades educativas están ayudando a una nueva generación a esforzarse para alcanzar el éxito, y muchos hispanos operan pequeñas empresas muy prósperas.

También rendimos homenaje a los hispanos por su larga tradición de servicio en las Fuerzas Armadas. Estos orgullosos patriotas han luchado en todas las guerras desde nuestros inicios, y muchos se han hecho merecedores a la Medalla de Honor por su valentía. Los hispanos e hispanas en las fuerzas armadas han demostrado su amor por Estados Unidos respondiendo al llamado de servicio, y tenemos una gran deuda con ellos y sus familias. Su patriotismo y valor han contribuido a la fibra moral de nuestra nación.

El Mes Nacional de la Hispanidad nos da la oportunidad de apreciar el espíritu y los logros de los hispanoamericanos en todas partes. Para otorgar debido reconocimiento a dichos logros, el Congreso, por medio de la Ley Pública 100-402, tal como ha sido modificada, ha autorizado y solicitado al Presidente que emita anualmente una proclama designando del 15 de septiembre al 15 de octubre como el "Mes Nacional de la Hispanidad".

AHORA POR TANTO, YO, GEORGE W. BUSH, Presidente de los Estados Unidos de Norteamérica, en virtud de la autoridad que me otorgan la Constitución y las leyes de Estados Unidos, por la presente proclamo del 15 de septiembre al 15 de octubre de 2008 como el "Mes Nacional de la Hispanidad".

Insto a los funcionarios públicos, educadores, bibliotecarios y todos los pobladores de Estados Unidos a que conmemoren este mes con los debidos programas, ceremonias y actividades.

EN FE DE LO CUAL, suscribo la presente este duodécimo día de septiembre del año de Nuestro Señor dos mil ocho, y ducentésimo trigésimo tercero de la Independencia de Estados Unidos de Norteamérica.


National Hispanic Heritage Month, 2008

A Proclamation by the President of the United States of America

During National Hispanic Heritage Month, we recognize the many Americans of Hispanic descent who have made outstanding contributions to our Nation.

The rich cultural traditions of the Hispanic-American community have made a remarkable impact on American society. The diverse backgrounds of Hispanic Americans and their dedication to family have become an integral part of America. With a deep commitment to faith and a strong desire to live the American dream, these citizens are realizing the full blessings of liberty. Educational opportunities are helping a new generation work toward success, and many Hispanic Americans operate thriving small businesses.

We also honor Hispanic Americans for their strong tradition of service in the Armed Forces. These proud patriots have fought in every war since our founding, and many have earned the Medal of Honor for their courage. Hispanic service men and women have shown their love for the United States by answering the call to serve, and we owe them and their families a tremendous debt of gratitude. Their patriotism and valor have added to the character of our Nation.

National Hispanic Heritage Month is an opportunity to celebrate the spirit and accomplishments of Hispanic Americans everywhere. To honor those achievements, the Congress, by Public Law 100-402, as amended, has authorized and requested the President to issue annually a proclamation designating September 15 through October 15 as "National Hispanic Heritage Month."

NOW, THEREFORE, I, GEORGE W. BUSH, President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim September 15 through October 15, 2008, as National Hispanic Heritage Month. I call upon public officials, educators, librarians, and all the people of the United States to observe this month with appropriate ceremonies, activities, and programs.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this twelfth day of September, in the year of our Lord two thousand eight, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and thirty-third.


Spring/Summer Edition of Endeavor

Now posted online in accessible PDF. Endeavor, a publication from the Office of Diversity and Equal Opportunity at NASA Headquarters is a newsletter that provides a variety of useful and interesting information.

You can access this publication directly ~ Endeavor: Spring/Summer 2008 or through our Publications Web Page, and see our other offerings, as well.

2007 Individual Development Plan (IDP) Survey Posted

The class action settlement states “supervisors shall be required to offer employees a meeting at least once per year to discuss and/or establish an IDP.”

In addition, a survey was required by the settlement to obtain candid views from employees on the IDP process. The following links to the 2007 IDP Survey.

2007 IDP survey data TEXT |PDF

In addition, Goddard posts the data from each survey starting in 2004 for your convenience, if you would like to compare them. You can find these reuslts at:

Reasonable Accommodation: Procedures, Rights, and Responsibilities

Now availabe! A new EOPO Publication on requesting and providing reasonable accommodation to qualified applicants and employees with disabilities. This publication is available online in Word and Accessible PDF, and in print at the EOPO Office.

Reasonable Accommodation: Procedures, Rights, and Responsibilities [WORD]
Reasonable Accommodation: Procedures, Rights, and Responsibilities [Accessible PDF]

Reasonable Accommodation for Individuals with Disabilities

Information about the provision of reasonable accommodation for individuals with disabilities is easier to locate now.
+ Read More

Sexual Harassment Brochure

"Sexual Harassment: What it is and what you can do about it" is now available in print. Please contact the EOPO office for a copy.
+ View document in PDF  :   + View document in Word

"People With and Without Disabilities: Interacting and Communicating"

This publication provides information about a variety of disabilities and suggested behaviors when interacting and communicating with individuals with disabilities. It is intended for people both with and without disabilities; supervisors, managers, employees, and co-workers who want to communicate more effectively with each other.

Request Sign Language Interpreters On Line!

Interpreter requests can now be made on line. (When you get to the page, follow the prompts.)
+ Sign Language Interpreter Scheduling System
[ For immediate contact with the Interpreting Office, please call (301) 286-8313, voice and TTY ]

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Last Updated: September 16, 2008