[Newspaper and Current Periodical Reading Room]

Hungary 19th and 20th Century Newspapers in Original Format

(Bound Volumes)
Inventory of Volumes Held in Remote Storage

NOTE: To access bound newspapers see: Requesting Bound Newspapers from Remote Storage. "Misc." may include single issues of titles from cities not listed and may supplement holdings of cities listed. For detailed holdings of bound volumes, contact Reading Room staff.

misc. misc. 2149-X various dates
Bekescsaba Bekes Megye Nepujsag 2149 2/17-6/1957; 7-12/1957; 1-6/1958; 7-12/1958; 1-6/1959; 7-12/1959; 1-6/1960; 7-12/1960; 1-6/1961; 7-12/1961 10
Bekescsaba Viharsarok Nepe 2150 3/15-23,25,26,30,31-4/1,6,12,27/1955; 1-6/1956; 7-10/24/1956 3
Budapest Budapesti Hirlap 2151 6/3/1906; 6/29-8/1914; 9-10/1914; 11-12/1914; 1-2/1915; 3-4/1915; 7-8/1915; 11-12/1915; 1-2/1916; 3-4/1916; 5-6/1916; 7-8/1916; 11-12/1916; 1-2/1917; 3-4/1917; 5-6/1917; 7-8/1917; 9-10/1917; 11-12/1917; 1-2/1918; 3-4/1918; 9-10/1918 22
Budapest Demokracia 2152 6-12/1945-1946; 1-1/1947-1948 2
Budapest Deutsche Zeitung 2153 10/20-12/1940; 1-2/1944; 3-4/1944; 4/18-7/1944; 10-12/1944; 7-9/1944 6
Budapest Deutscher Volkabote 2154 1-9/1944 1
Budapest Esti Budapest 2155 4-12/1952; 1-6/1953; 7-12/1953; 1-6/1954; 7-12/1954; 1-6/1955; 7-12/1955; 1-6/1956; 7-10/23/1956 9
Budapest Esti Hirlap 2156 12/24-6/1956-1957; 7-12/1957; 1-6/1958; 7-12/1958; 1-6/1959; 7-12/1959; 1-6/1960; 7-12/1960; 1-6/1961; 7-12/1961 10
Budapest Esti Kurir 2157 12-3/1943-1944 1
Budapest Esti Szabod 2159 8-12/1945; 1-6/1946; 7-1/5/1946-1947; 1-6/1947; 7-12/1947; 1-4/1948; 5-8/1948; 9-12/1948; 1-7/1949 9
Budapest Esti Ujsag 2160 4/18-7/1/1944 1
Budapest Fuggeten Magyarorszag 2161 10/15-12/31/1945 missing 11/12,12/17; 1-9/1946-1947; 9-12/1948; 1949; 8-9/1950; 1-8/1952 6
Budapest Hetfoi Hirlap 2162 10/29/1956 1
Budapest Hirlap 2163 9-12/1946; 1-6/1947; 7-9/1947; 1-3/1948; 4-6/1948; 7-9/1948; 10-12/1948; 2-8/1949 8
Budapest Igazsag 2164 11/2/1956 1
Budapest Kis Ujsag 2165 4/22-12/1945; 1-6/1946; 7-12/1946; 1-6/1947; 7-12/1947; 1-6/1948; 7-12/1948; 1-6/1949; 7-12/1949; 1-6/1950; 7-9/1950; 1-6/1951; 7-4/6/1951-1952; 11/2-3/1956 14
Budapest Kossuth Nepe 2166 7/14/1948 1
Budapest Kossuth Nepe 2166 7/1-4/1948; 4/28-12/1945; 1946; 1-9/1947; 1-6/1948 5
Budapest Magyar Honved 2167 10/31-11/2/1956 1
Budapest Magyar Ifjusag 2168 11/3/1956; 10/19-1/4/1957-1958 2
Budapest Magyar Nemzet 2169 9-10/1939; 11-12/1939; 1-2/1940; 3-4/1940; 5-6/1940; 7-8/1940; 9-10/1940; 11-12/1940; 1-2/1941; 3-4/1941; 5-6/1941; 7-9/1941; 10-12/1941; 1-3/1942; 4-6/1942; 7-8/1942; 9-10/1942; 11-12/1942; 1-2/1943; 3-4/1943; 5-6/1943; 7-8/1943; 8-11/1943; 12/1943-3/22/1944; 5-12/1945; 1-6/1946; 7-12/1946; 1-6/1947; 7-12/1947; 1-6/1948; 7-12/1948; 1-6/1949; 7-12/1949; 1-6/1956; 7-10/23/1956; 10/31-11/2(m)3/1956; 9/8-12/1957; 1-4/1958; 5-9/1958; 9-12/1958; 1-4/1959; 5-8/1959; 9-12/1959; 1-4/1960; 5-8/1960; 9-12/1960; 1-6/1961; 7-12/1961 48
Budapest Magyarvilag 2170 11/1/1956 1
Budapest Magyarorszag 2171 1/1914; 2/1914; 3/1914; 4/1914; 5/1914; 6/1914; 8/1914; 9/1914; 10/1914; 11/1914; 12/1914; 1/1915; 2/1915; 3/1915; 4/1915; 6/1915; 7/1915; 8/1915; 9/1915; 10/1915; 11/1915; 12/1915; 1/1916; 2/1916; 3/1916; 4/1916; 5/1916; 6/1916; 7/1916; 8/1916; 9/1916; 11/1916; 12/1916; 1/1917; 2/1917; 4/1917; 5/1917; 6/1917; 7/1917; 8/1917; 4/4-5/6,23, 27-29-6/3,4/1941; 10/29/1942-3/1943; 4-8/1943; 9-10/1943; 1-8/19/1944; 10-12/1944 46
Budapest Magyarorszag 2172 3-12/1957 1
Budapest Magyarszag 2173 7-12/1939; 4-10/1941; 1-6/1942; 7-12/1942; 1-6/1943; 7-12/1943; 1-6/1944; 7-12/16/1944 8
Budapest Mai Nap 2174 10-7/1943-45 1
Budapest Mai Nap 2175 12/14-21/1956 1
Budapest Nemzeti Ujsag 2176 10/26/1943-2/1944; 3-7/1944; 4-9/1941-42; 10-4/1942-43; 3-7/1944; 8/1-20/1944 4
Budapest Nepakarat 2177 11/2,3,23,25,12/6-13,16,31/1951; 1-6/1957; 7-12/1957; 1/1958 4
Budapest Nepsport 2178 4/8-12/1952; 2/13-12/1953; 1954; 1955; 1-6/1956; 7-12/1958; 1-6/1959; 7-12/1959; 1-6/1960; 8-10/1950; 1-6/1958; 7-12/1960; 1-6/1961; 7-12/1961 14
Budapest Nepszabadsag 2179 11/3/1956 1
Budapest Nepszava 2180 10-12/1942; 1-4/1943; 5-8/1943; 9-12/1943; 1-3/19/1944; 4/19-12/1945; 1-6/1946; 7-12/1946; 1-6/1947; 7-12/1947; 1-6/1948; 7-12/1948; 1-6/1949; 7-12/1949; 1-6/1950; 7-12/1950; 1-6/1951; 7-12/1951; 1-6/1952; 7-12/1952; 1-6/1953; 7-12/1953; 1-6/1954; 7-12/1954; 9-12/1954; 1-6/1955; 7-12/1955; 1-6/1956; 7-10/1956; 2-6/1958; 7-12/1958; 1-6/1959; 7-12/1959; 1-6/1960; 7-12/1960; 1-6/1961; 7-12/1961 37
Budapest Neues Budapester Abendblatt 2181 10-1/5/1921-1922 1
Budapest Pest 2182 6/16-10/17/1942; 10/20/1942-3/1943; 4-7/1943; 8-12/1943; 1-6/1944; 7-11/1944; 9
Budapest Pest Megyei Hirlap 2183 2/11-6/1959; 7-12/1959; 1-6/1960; 7-12/1960; 1-6/1961; 7-12/1961 6
Budapest Pesti Hirlap 2185 8/31-11/1941; 3-8/20/1941; 12-6/1942-43; 7-12/1943; 1-4/1944; 5-7/1944; 8/1-11-12/15/1944 7
Budapest Raggel 2186 4/30-7/22/1945; 9-12/1946; 1947; 1-8/1948 4
Budapest Reggeli Magyarorszag 2187 8-12/1943; 1-6/1944; 7-8/1944; 12-1/1942-43 4
Budapest Sonntagsblatt 2188 1927; 1928; 1930; 1931; 1932; 1933; 1934; 1935 8
Budapest Szabad Ifjusag 2189 10-12/1950; 1951; 1952; 1953; 1-6/1954; 7-12/1954; 1-6/1955; 7-12/1955; 1-6/1956; 7-10/23/1956 10
Budapest Szabad Nep 2190 4/11-5/31/1945; 6-12/1945; 7-12/1954; 1-6/1955; 7-12/1955 5
Budapest Szabad Szo 2191 4/19-8/18/1945; 8/19-12/1945; 1-6/1946; 7/1946-1/5/1947; 1/8-6/1947; 7-11/1947; 12/7-31/1947; 1-6/1948; 7-12/1948; 1-6/1949; 7-12/1949; 1-6/1950; 7-1/1950-1952 13
Budapest Szabadag 2192 4/24-6/29/1945; 7-12/1945; 1-6/1946; 7-12/1946; 1-6/1947; 7-12/1947; 1-6/1948; 7-11/13/1948 8
Budapest Uj Magyarorszag 2193 6/7-12/1944; 7-12/1945-47; 1/1-6/19/1948; 3
Budapest Uj Magyarsag 2194 3-4/1943; 10-12/1944; 4/19-7/5/1944; 7/6-9/1944; 4/1-18/1944 5
Budapest Uj Nemzedek 2195 4-7/1944 1
Budapest Uz Szo 2196 5/29-12/1945; 1-6/1946; 7-12/1946; 1-6/1947; 7-12/1947; 1-4/4/1948 6
Budapest Uj Vilag 2197 1949-1952; 1953-54; 1-10/18/1955-56 3
Budapest Ujsag 2198 9/28/1943-3/1944 1
Budapest Vilag 2199 5/14-12/1945; 1-6/1946; 7-12/1946; 1-6/1947; 7-12/1947; 1-6/1948; 7-12/1948; 1-6/1949; 7/1949 9
Budapest Vilagossag 2200 7-12/1945; 1-6/1946; 7-12/1946; 1-6/1947; 7-12/1947; 1-11/13/1948; 11/14-6/1948-49; 7-12/1949; 1-6/1950; 1-3/1951-52 10
Debrecen Debreczen 2202 3/17,18,24-4/1,10-15/1945 1
Debrecen Hajdu Bihari Naplo 2203 2-12/1957; 1-5/21/1958; 1-6/1959; 7-12/1959; 1-6/1960; 7-12/1960; 1-6/1961; 7-12/1961 8
Debrecen Neplap 2204 1-6/1955; 7-12/1955; 1-6/1956; 7-10/25/1956; 1-10/20/1956 5
Eger Egri Hangok 2205-A 3/28/1939 Vol II No 2 1
Gyor Sopron Megyei Hirlap 2206 11-12/1954; 4-6/1958; 7-12/1955; 1-6/1956; 7-10/30/1956 5
Gyor GyroMegyei Hirlap 2207 2/5-12/1950 1
Gyor Kisalfold 2208 2/17-6/1957; 7-12/1957; 1-6/1958; 7-12/1958; 1-6/1959; 7-12/1959; 1-6/1960; 7-12/1960; 1-6/1961; 7-12/1961 10
Hodmezovasarhely Csongrad Megyei Hirlap 2209 9/10-12/3/1958; 2-6/1959; 7-12/1959; 1-6/1960; 7-12/1960; 1-6/1961; 7-12/1961 7
Kaposvar Somogyi Neplap 2210 1-6/1956; 7-10/25/1956; 7-12/1955; 7-12/1957; 1-6/1958; 7-12/1958; 1-6/1959; 7-12/1959; 1-6/1960; 7-12/1960; 1-6/1961; 7-12/1961 13
Kaposvar Somogyerszag 2211 11-12/1956; 1-6/1957 2
Kaposvar Szabad Somogy 2212 10/31-11/1/1956 1
Kecskemet Bacskiskunmegyei nepujsag 2213 7-12/1955 1
Kecskemet Petofi Nepe 2214 11/23/1956; 1-6/1959; 7-12/1959; 1-6/1960; 7-12/1960; 1-6/1961; 7-12/1961 7
Koszeg Gunser Zeitung 2216 1938 1
Miskolc Eszakmagyarerszag 2217 1954; 1-6/1955; 7-10/21/1956; 7-12/1955; 1-6/1956; 10/31-12/1956; 1-6/1957; 7-12/1957; 1-6/1958; 7-12/1958; 1-6/1959; 7-12/1959; 1-6/1960; 7-12/1960; 1-6/1961; 7-12/1961 16
Nyiregyhaza Kelet Magyarorszag 2218 2-6/1959; 7-12/1959; 1-6/1960; 7-12/1960; 1-6/1961; 7-12/1961 5
Pecs Dunantuli Naplo 2219 7-12/1953; 1-6/1954; 7-12/1954; 1-6/1955; 7-12/1955; 1-6/1956; 7-10/30/1956; 12/1956; 1-6/1957; 7-12/1957; 1-6/1958; 7-12/1958; 1-6/1959; 7-12/1959; 1-6/1960; 7-12/1960; 1-6/1961; 7-12/1961 18
Salgotarjan Nogradi Nepujsag 2220 2-12/1959; 1960; 1961 3
Szeged Del-magyarorszag 2221 7-12/1955; 4-6/1955; 1-6/1956; 7-10/24/1956; 5-12/1957; 1-6/1958; 7-12/1958; 1-6/1959; 7-12/1959; 1-6/1960; 7-12/1960; 1-6/1961; 7-12/1961 12
Szeged Szegedi Neplap 2222 2/20-4/30/1957,3/7-20,29,4/11-17 1
Szeged Szegedi Nepszava 2223 8-11/1945 1
Szekesfehervar Fejer Megyei Hirlap 2224 12/1956; 2-12/1957; 1-6/1958; 7-12/1958; 1-6/1959; 7-12/1959; 1-6/1960; 7-12/1960; 1-6/1961; 7-12/1961; 10
Szekesfehervar Fejer Megyei Neplap 2225 7-10/25/1956; 1-6/1956 2
Szolnok Szolnok Megyei Neplap 2227 7-12/1955; 3-6/1956; 7-10/23/1956; 1-6/5/1958; 6/6-12/1958; 1-6/1959; 7-12/1959; 1-6/1960; 7-12/1960; 1-6/1961; 7-12/1961 11
Szombathely Vas Nepe 2228 1-6/1958; 7-12/1958; 1-6/1959; 7-12/1959; 1-6/1960; 7-12/1960; 1-6/1961; 7-12/1961 8
Tatabanya Komarom Megyei Dolgozok Lapja 2229 7/20-12/1959-1960; 1961; 2
Veszprem Kozepduantuli Naplo 2230 2-6/1959; 7-12/1959; 1-6/1960; 7-12/1960 4
Veszprem Naplo 2231 1-6/1961; 7-12/1961 2
Zalaegerszag Zala 2232 3-5/1955-56 1
Zalaegerszag Zalai Hirlap 2233 12/28,30/1956; 7-12/1957; 2-5/1958; 2/3-6/1959; 7-12/1959; 1-6/1960; 7-12/1960; 1-6/1961; 7-12/1961 9

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