Surnames: A Selected List of References
about Personal Names:
1. Lawson, Edwin D., 1923-
Personal names and naming : an annotated bibliography /
compiled by Edwin D. Lawson. -- New York : Greenwood Press, 1987.
-- xiii, 185 p. --
(Bibliographies and indexes in anthropology, 0742-6844 ; no.
Z6824.L39 1987
2. Smith, Elsdon Coles, 1903-
Personal names : a bibliography. -- New York : New York
Public Library, 1952. -- 226 p.
3. Singerman, Robert.
Jewish and Hebrew onomastics : a bibliography / Robert
Singerman. -- New York : Garland Pub., 1977. -- xii, 132 p. --
(Garland reference library of the humanities ; v. 92)
Z6824.S5 CS3010
References are made to dictionaries, books and magazines
regarding Sephardic and Yiddish names, as well as North African,
Asian, American, and South American Jewish names.
Europe, Eastern
4. Duridanov, Ivan.
Bibliografiia na bulgarskata onomastika, 1940-1970 / Iv.
Duridanov, St. Andreeva =
Bibliographie der bulgarischen Onomastik, 1940-1970 / Iv.
Duridanov, St. Andreeva.
-- Sofiia : Sofiiski universitet "Kliment Okhridski,"
Universitetska biblioteka, Katedra po obshto ezikoznanie, 1980.
-- 403 p.
Z6824.D88 1980
[Bibliography of Bulgarian Onomastics, 1940-1970].
Includes French, German, and Bulgarian Cyrillic entries.
5. Eremiia, Anatolie.
Moldavskaia onomastika, 1924-1984 : obzornyi ocherk
issledovanii. -- Kishinev : "Shtiintse," 1984. -- 141 p.
Z6824.E73 1984
[Moldavian name studies, 1924-1984].
Sixty years worth of books on the etymology of names in
Moldava, mostly written in Cyrillic characters with an English
summary and a few French and German entries.
6. Fratila, Vasile.
Bibliografia onomasticii românesti = Bibliographie der
rumanischen Onomastik : 1944-1984 / V. Fratila, L.P. Bercea. --
Timisoara : Tip. Universitatii din Timisoara, 1985. -- 123 p.
Z2928.L5 F73 1985
[Bibliography of Romanian Onomastics: 1944-1984].
Discusses the theory of naming, personal, place, and
literary naming, and Congresses. The introduction is in German;
the bulk of the text is in Romanian.
Europe, Western
7. Zwanziger, Ronald.
Bibliographie der Namenforschung in Oesterreich / Ronald
Zwanziger. -- Wien : Oesterreichische Gesellschaft fur
Namenforschung, 1980-. -- v. <1>. -- (Oesterreichische
Namenforschung. Sonderreihe ; 3-)
Z6824.Z93 1980
[Bibliography of Name Research in Austria].
Includes personal and geographical names in Austria.
8. Debrie, René,
Bibliographie d'onomastique picarde / René, Debrie. -- Amiens
: Universit, de Picardie, 1985. -- 33 p. -- (Publications du
Centre d'etudes picardes ; 29)
Z2181.G37 D43 1985
[Bibliography of Picard Onomastics].
Index to locales and regions with names of persons and
9. Morlet, Marie Therese.
Les études d'onomastique en France, de 1938 . 1970 /
Marie-Therese Morlet. -- Paris: Societe d'etudes linguistiques et
anthropologiques de France, 1981. -- 214 p. -- (Numero special /
Societe d'etudes linguistiques et anthropologiques de France ;
Z6824.M67 1981
[Onomastic Studies in France from 1938 to 1970].
Summary in English, German, Spanish, and Russian.
10. Mulon, Marianne.
L'onomastique francaise. Bibliographie des travaux publies
jusqu'en 1960 / par Marianne Mulon ; pref. par Jean Favier. --
Paris : Documentation francaise, 1977. -- xvi, 454 p.
Z2181.G37 M84
[French Onomastics. Bibliography of Works Published Before
Bibliography of personal names, geographical names and
etymologies in French.
11. Mulon, Marianne.
L'onomastique francaise. Bibliographie des travaux publies
de 1960 . 1985 / par Marianne Mulon. -- Paris : Archives
nationales : Diffus, par Documentation francaise, 1987. -- xxiv,
417 p.
Z2181.G37 M83 1987
[French Onomastics. Bibliography of Works Published from
1960 to 1985].
Concerns names, geographical names, and etymologies of
names in French. General, regional, and local studies are
arranged by department in a methodical and detailed fashion.
12. Bily, Inge.
Beitrage zur Bibliographie der Namenforschung in der DDR /
bearbeitet von Inge Bily. -- [Leipzig] : Karl-Marx-Universitat
Leipzig, 1979. -- 67 p. -- (Namenkundliche Informationen. Beiheft
; 1)
Z6824.B54 1979
[Contribution to the Bibliography of Name Research in the
German Democratic Republic].
Bibliography of onomastics for DDR, USSR, Austria, Poland,
and Czechoslovakia.
13. Kempf, Gabriele.
Bibliographie zur deutsch-slawischen Namenkunde / von
Gabriele Kempf. -- Giessen : W. Schmitz, 1976-. -- p.??? --
(Osteuropastudien der Hochschulen des Landes Hessen : Reihe 2,
Marburger Abhandlungen zur Geschichte und Kultur Osteuropas ; Bd.
[Bibliography About German-Slavic Name Research].
About Slavic names and etymologies of names in Slavic
14. Cortelazzo, Michele A.
Nomi propri : bibliografia veneta / Michele A. Cortelazzo.
-- 1a ed. -- Padova : CLEUP, 1981. -- 49 p. -- (Quaderni del
Centro sociale e culturale "C. Marchesi," Battaglia Terme ; 5)
Z2364.V38 C67 1981
[Proper Names: Venetian Bibliography].
Names of families, animals, and places, including regional
15. Aarset, Terje.
Norsk personnamnbibliografi / av Terje Aarset. -- Oslo :
Universitetsforlaget, c1979. -- 51 p. -- (Norsk bibliografisk
bibliotek ; bd. 52)
[Norwegian Personal Name Bibliography].
Includes Norwegian names in the United States. Material is
organized alphabetically by counties of Norway.
Spain and Portugal
16. Ariza Viguera, Manuel.
Intento de bibliograf¡a de la onom stica hisp nica / Manuel
Ariza. -- C ceres : Universidad de Extremadura, 1981. -- 116 p.
-- (Anejos del Anuario de estudios filol¢gicos ; 4)
Z6824.A74 1981
[Contribution to a Bibliography of Hispanic Onomastics].
Arranged by a thematic classification of the constituent
elements of names, geographic locations, and origins of Hispanic
personal names for the United States and Latin America. Sources
listed are in various languages.
17. Hubschmid, Johannes, 1916-
Bibliographia onomastica Helvetica. -- Bernae : Bibliotheca
Nationalis, 1954. -- 50 p., fold. map.
[Bibliography of Swiss Onomastics.]
Methodology, bibliographies, and sources for most Swiss
places and personal names including German, French, Italian, and
Raetic names.