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With the law on your side, great things are possible!

Our Mission...

to protect and advance the progress of women and girls at work, in school, and in virtually every aspect of their lives.

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Spotlight On...

Ensuring Fair Pay for Women

President-Elect Obama with Lilly Ledbetter The U.S. House of Representatives passed two key fair pay bills we've been fighting for. The bills passed by the House — the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act and the Paycheck Fairness Act — provide women with critical tools to challenge pay discrimination.

Read NWLC's Statement: House Passes Key Pay Equity Bills

Take Action: Contact your Senators Today

Fair Pay Campaign: Learn More About Pay Equity for Women

Economic Security for Women and Families

Economic Security

A first order of business for the new Congress and Administration will be passing and implementing a plan to address the nation's economic crisis — and we’re working to ensure that the economic recovery package addresses the needs of women and their families.

Economic Recovery: Meeting the Needs of Women and Families

A Call to Action: NWLC's Recommendations to President-Elect Obama and Congress on Economic Recovery

A Serious Threat to Women's Health

Stop an Attack on Birth Control

NWLC called on President-Elect Obama to reject the recent Department of Health and Human Services rule that poses a serious threat to women’s health.

NWLC Analysis: Final HHS Rule Threatens Women’s Access to Health Care Information and Options, Poses Serious Risks to Women’s Health

Take Action: Tell President-Elect Obama to Reject This Harmful Rule

HHS Rule: Undermining Patients' Access to Vital Health Services and Information

Final Days: New Bush Administration Actions Harm Women

Health Care Reform That Works for Women

Health Care Reform

As we approach a crossroads in the fight for progressive health care reform, the barriers that women face accessing quality, affordable, and comprehensive health care must be addressed.

Reform Matters: Making Real Progress for Women and Health Care

New York Times Editorial: Gouging Women on Health Insurance

NBC Nightly News: Women Paying More for Health Insurance

NWLC Report: Nowhere to Turn - How the Individual Health Insurance Market Fails Women

Making the Grade: A National and State-by-State Report Card on Women's Health

Working Together to Support Women and Their Families

A Platform for Progress

NWLC congratulates Senator Barack Obama and the incoming Members of Congress on their recent victories. And now is the time to look to the future and work together to tackle the issues that are so critical to women and their families.

News Release: NWLC Congratulates New Administration, Offers Platform for Future

A Platform for Progress: Building a Better Future for Women and Their Families

Poll Findings: What Women Want

Helping Working Families Claim Tax Credits

Tax credits can provide thousands of dollars to working families — but only if families know about the credits and claim them on their tax returns. You can help by serving as a resource on tax credits for working families.

Learn More: How Tax Credits Can Put Money Back in Families’ Pockets

Spread the Word: Resources for Advocates and Service Providers

The Dropout Crisis for Girls

Every year, an estimated one in four girls drops out of high school — and the rates are even worse for girls of color, according to a report by the National Women’s Law Center.

NWLC Report: When Girls Don't Graduate, We All Fail - A Call to Improve High School Graduation Rates for Girls

Get the Details: Learn More About the Dropout Crisis


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House Passes Key Pay Equity Bills (January 9, 2009)

NWLC Urges Holder Confirmation (January 7, 2009)

President-Elect Obama Must Repeal Harmful HHS Rule (Decemer 18, 2008)

NWLC Congratulates New Administration (November 5, 2008)

Supreme Court Must Protect Workers from Retaliation (October 8, 2008)

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