Pine Canyon Dam


Pine Canyon Dam is an ungated flood control structure located within the Meadow Valley Wash Basin, in Lincoln County, Nevada. The drainage area behind the dam totals about 45 square miles. The dam site is located about 18 miles southeast of Caliente, Nevada, and about 100 miles northeast of Las Vegas, Nevada (location map). Along with Mathews Canyon Dam, the project provides protection to downstream areas along Clover Creek, Meadow Valley Wash, and lower Muddy River. These areas include the City of Caliente, 80 miles of the Union Pacific Railroad, farm land, and many miles of highways and roads. The dam was authorized by an act of Congress in 1950. Construction began in March 1957 and work was completed in December 1957.

Photographs of Pine Canyon Dam

Physical Data

Type Earth and Rock Fill
Crest Elevation 5,690 feet NGVD 1734 meters NGVD
Invert elevation 5,604 feet NGVD 1708 meters NGVD
Height above original streambed 92 feet 28 meters
Crest Length 884 feet 269 meters
Top Width 20 feet 6.1 meters
PMF Freeboard 1.5 feet .5 meters
Type Crest-block
Crest Elevation 5,675 feet NGVD 1730 meters NGVD
Crest Length 330 feet 101 meters
Elevation of Maximum Water Surface 5,688.5 feet NGVD 1734 meters NGVD
Discharge at Maximum Water Surface 49,200 cfs 1394 cms
Invert Elevation 5,604 NGVD 1708 meters
Diameter 3.5 feet 1.1 meters
Length 479 feet 146 meters NGVD
Capacity at Spillway Crest 322 cfs 9 cms
Surface Area & Storage Capacity
Area at Spillway Crest 254 acres 1,027,902 sm
Area at Top of Dam 362.5 acres 1,466,985 sm
Storage Capacity at Spillway Crest 7,747 acre-feet 9.5 MCM
Storage at Spillway Design Surcharge Level 11,788 acre-feet 14 MCM
Storage Capacity at Top of Dam 12,329 acre-feet 15 MCM
Sedimentation Allocation 1,400 acre-feet 1.7 MCM
Reservoir Design Flood
Duration of Inflow 3 days 3 days
Total Volume 7,300 acre-feet 9.0 MCM
Peak Inflow 10,500 cfs 297 cms
Peak Outflow 321 cfs 9 cms
Spillway Design Flood
Duration of Inflow 1 day 1 day
Total Volume 18,000 acre-feet 22 MCM
Peak Inflow 68,100 cfs 1929 cms
Peak Outflow 49,200 cfs 1394 cms
Historic Maximum Water Surface
Date 11 January 2005
Maximum Elevation 5,658.34 feet NGVD 1,724.66  meters NGVD
Historic Maximum Release
Date 3 March 1978
Maximum Release 303 cfs 8.6 cms
NGVD = National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929.
MCM = million cubic meters
cfs = cubic feet per second
cms = cubic meters per second
sm = square meters


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Last Updated on February 9, 2006 by W. Luo