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About NDU Library

NDU Library Mission

"Modern wars are not internecine war, in which the killing of the enemy is the object. The destruction of the enemy, and indeed, modern war itself, are means to obtain that object of the belligerent which lies beyond the war."
---U.S. War Department General Orders No. 100, 24 April 1863

The National Defense University (NDU) Library collects, organizes, preserves and disseminates classified and unclassified information resources in support of NDU's military education mission. The Library serves as a definitive source in the subject areas of defense management, national security policy, military strategy, mobilization and civil-military affairs.

Collection Development

"The winner is asked no questions -- the loser has to answer for everything."
---Sir Ian Hamilton, 1920

National Defense University has a library collection development policy which guides the library staff in building library collections relevant to University needs. This policy has been approved by the University's Library Panel and copies are available upon request.

The collection development policy addresses many needs within the Library and within the University.

  • Foremost, it creates stronger collections.
  • As a long range planning tool it identifies and documents the priorities and goals of the Library.
  • As an information tool it communicates to the users and to the chain of command the scope and nature of the collections, the support they provide and the Library's plans for continued development.
  • As an accountability tool it allows limited funds to be better used and provides a measure of accountability for the use of public funds.
  • As a selection tool it forms the basis for the selection policy, thus enabling those doing selection to work with greater consistency toward defined goals.


"Political power emanates from the barrel of a gun."
---Mao Tse-tung, 1937

Summary of National Defense University Library (NDU) Circulation Policy

  1. All material is checked out for thirty days.
  2. You may renew material twice. After the second renewal, if you anticipate an ongoing need for the material, you should consider purchasing it and return the library copy. If the material is unique or costly you may present a justification for renewing the material for a specified period of time and for a specific purpose.
  3. The first renewal of library material may be made using the online feature in the NDU Online Catalog. The second renewal must be made in person. This requires the patron to physically bring the item to the library. No e-mail or online renewals after the first renewal.
  4. Material not returned fourteen days after the due date will generate replacement charges. You will be notified by e-mail where a replacement copy can be purchased and the cost of the item. Delivery to the library is expected within thirty days.
  5. Persons in the following categories, who do not out process through NDU, must borrow materials under the proxy of an NDU student, staff, faculty member: (1) contractors (2) family members (3) researchers (4) others who do not out process.
  6. Each library account is limited to twenty items. This applies to proxy accounts; the total number of checkouts cannot exceed twenty which means that an NDU student, staff, faculty account regardless of the number of proxy borrowers cannot exceed twenty loans.
  7. Interlibrary loan (ILL) is a cost incurring service for the library. Costs involve computer, post, lending fees, processing time. It is available only to NDU students, staff and faculty for authorized government business. No proxy sign-outs are permitted. Items not returned by the due date imposed by the lending library will result in replacement costs to the borrower. The library will supply the borrower with purchase and cost information.
  8. Outside users of interlibrary loan requests to the NDU Library are limited to five titles. Their requests must be made IAW OCLC (Online Computer Library Center) or ALA (American Library Association) interlibrary loan procedures and forms. The NDU Library has a hand-carry ILL procedure in place with the following local libraries: Pentagon, Defense Intelligence Agency (Joint Military Intelligence College), Center for Military History, and Marine Corps University, Quantico. This allows the prescribed forms to be hand carried to NDU Library by the borrower so that they can take materials with them.
  9. Copyright Law as stated in Title 17 United States Code (17 USC – Copyright) applies to all materials owned, borrowed, leased under a licensing agreements or loaned by the National Defense University Library. From the US Copyright Office: the distinction between “fair sue” and infringement may be unclear and not easily defined. There is no specific number of words, lines, or notes that may safely be taken without permission.
  10. The public use computers available in the NDU Library are subject to Dept. of Defense Directives that state “ This computer system, including all related equipment, networks and network devices (including INTERNET access) are provided for authorized official use only” DODD 5500./7 - R.
  11. Library policies to include Circulation are posted on the NDU Library Internet Page and the Intranet Page. The policy for circulation of materials is also on the OCLC System.

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