Evidence-Driven Education Research
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November 18, 2002

Secretary of Education Rod Paige welcomes a report calling for more evidence-driven education research.

Clip #1:   ListenStream (:08)   DownloadDownload(.83mb)

Transcript: No fads, no good feelings stuff, no fluff, good solid instruction based on science.

Clip #2:   ListenStream(:14)   DownloadDownload(1.5mb)

Transcript: Thanks to the groundbreaking research, we have new ideas now, especially for reading, and we're moving forward in math and in other subjects. And we have every confidence that this approach is going to make the difference.

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  • Click on ListenStream to listen to the sound clips. Click on DownloadDownload to download a zipped, compressed .wav file with higher audio quality.

  • Suggestion: Try ListenStream first. If that doesn't work (e.g., if the audio breaks up, you lose your connection, or our server capacity has reached its limit), you may want to try DownloadDownload and then play the clip locally on your computer's hard drive.

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Last Modified: 06/29/2006

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