Language Teaching Initiative
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January 6, 2006

Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings discusses a new national initiative on the teaching of critical foreign languages at a summit of the nation's university presidents.

Clip #1:   ListenStream (:13)
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Transcript: We will create partnerships between universities and local school districts to adopt effective programs to teach Arabic, Chinese, Korean, Hindi, and other critical languages.

Clip #2:   ListenStream (:09)
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Transcript: This is not just an education issue. It's a civic issue, an economic issue, a social issue and, of course, a national security issue.

Clip #3:   ListenStream (:12)
 DownloadDownloadMP3 192kb | WAV (zipped) 1.4mb

Transcript: In this world where what you know means more than where you live, we all have a responsibility to make sure that America's education system gives students the chance to succeed.

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Last Modified: 06/29/2006