Back-to-School Public Service Announcements
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August 24, 2004

Back-to-school public service announcement from Secretay Paige.

Clip #1:   ListenStream (:20)   DownloadDownload(2.0mb)

Transcript: Sending your children back to school is about more than buying school supplies. It's about reading to your children and spending quality time with them. And it's about the No Child Left Behind law. No Child Left Behind gives parents the power. So learn about your school. Ask questions, get answers—and make real changes if you want to. The power is in your hands to make sure that your child—that no child—is left behind. For more information, call the U.S. Department of Education at 1-800-USA-LEARN.

Clip #2:   ListenStream (:30)   DownloadDownload(2.7mb)

Transcript: It's time to go back to school. And that means more than shopping at back to school sales. Read to your children. Spend time with them. And learn about the No Child Left Behind law. It gives parents the power to ask questions, get real answers and make changes for the better. For more information, call the U.S. Department of Education at 1-800-USA-LEARN.

Technical Requirements

  • You need RealPlayer to listen to these audio clips. See the RealPlayer site to download the required software.

  • Click on ListenStream to listen to the sound clips. Click on DownloadDownload to download a zipped, compressed .wav file with higher audio quality.

  • Suggestion: Try ListenStream first. If that doesn't work (e.g., if the audio breaks up, you lose your connection, or our server capacity has reached its limit), you may want to try DownloadDownload and then play the clip locally on your computer's hard drive.

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Last Modified: 06/29/2006

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