Arnold Schwarzenegger and Summit on After-School Programs
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June 6, 2003

U.S. Education Secretary Rod Paige and actor Arnold Schwarzenegger host the first summit on after-school programs.

Clip #1:   ListenStream (:45)   DownloadDownload(5.2mb)

Transcript: Gregg Wiggins: This after-school summit brought together administrators, educators, students and parents—and an actor—to focus on identifying and supporting high quality after-school programs.
Arnold Schwarzenegger: A program should not just be a sports program or not just be a reading program or not just be a cultural program, but it should have all of the elements together.
Gregg Wiggins: Arnold Schwarzenegger has devoted a decade to improving children's after-school options. He co-hosted the after-school summit with U.S. Education Secretary Rod Paige.
Secretary Paige: For no child to be left behind, we know that their learning cannot stop when the bell rings at three o'clock because a lot of learning goes on in the afternoons and we want to be a part of that.
Gregg Wiggins: Paige called the summit the start of an ongoing effort to help every child make the most of their potential. In Washington, I'm Gregg Wiggins...for the U.S. Department of Education.

Clip #2:   ListenStream (:10)   DownloadDownload(1mb)

Transcript: While we know that there are some good after-school programs we also know that there are not enough of them. Every kid who needs one does not have one. We need more and we need better.

Clip #3:   ListenStream (:11)   DownloadDownload(1.2mb)

Transcript: Arnold Schwarzenegger: I have met thousands of parents that have told me that it has saved their children by becoming part of after-school programs and attending after school programs every day.

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Last Modified: 06/29/2006

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