National Education Technology Plan
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May 30, 2003

John Bailey, Director of Educational Technology for the U.S. Department of Education, explains the goal of the technology plan.

Clip #1:   ListenStream (:20)   DownloadDownload(2.1mb)

Transcript: That's what this whole plan is about is, really, trying to capture "Where is the direction we need to be heading as a nation," and making sure that we're using technology in such a way as to expand opportunities for students, really help empower teachers, empower parents, and to really begin using technology to help transform instruction and transform our education system.

Clip #2:   ListenStream (:21)   DownloadDownload(2.3mb)

Transcript: We have a lot of nineteenth century laws that are coming up against twenty-first century learning opportunities as a result of technology. As part of this plan we want to look at what are some of the opportunities, where should we be putting some of the emphasis and the priorities—but also what are some of the barriers that are out there that, potentially, if we remove that would help accelerate or help us use technology more effectively inside our classrooms.

Clip #3:   ListenStream (:12)   DownloadDownload(1.3mb)

Transcript: We want to hear from teachers, we want to hear from technology experts, we want to hear from researchers. We actually want to hear from students themselves about ways they see technology playing a role for their education and their instruction.

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  • Click on ListenStream to listen to the sound clips. Click on DownloadDownload to download a zipped, compressed .wav file with higher audio quality.

  • Suggestion: Try ListenStream first. If that doesn't work (e.g., if the audio breaks up, you lose your connection, or our server capacity has reached its limit), you may want to try DownloadDownload and then play the clip locally on your computer's hard drive.

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