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US Army Corps of Engineers Logo superimposed over a photograph of water and sky "Buffalo District" text superimposed over an aerial photograph of the Black Rock Lock and Mount Morris Dam in New York. Dam photo courtesy of Adrian "Bud" Prince. Relevant, Ready, Responsive, Reliable - Proudly serving the Armed Forces and the Nation now and in the future.

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Building Strong

By Bruce Sanders, Buffalo District

At the Corps’ Summer Leaders Conference, Chief of Engineers Lieutenant General Robert Van Antwerp announced the selection of a new Corps slogan: “BUILDING STRONG!” According to General Van Antwerp, the judges were looking for a slogan that would reach our internal team and external partners while demonstrating a connection to the slogan: “Army Strong!” In these perilous times for our nation, it is important that we of the Corps not only perform our civil works mission, but continue to highlight our connection to the Army and what we do to make the Army Strong. Likewise, we remain committed to make our organization strong so that we are built to last.

We in Buffalo District can be proud of the slogan not only because it expresses who we are and how we operate, but also because BUILDING STRONG! was suggested by one of our own: Michael Rehak, a Resources Management Analyst in the Resource Management Office. There were well over 800 suggestions submitted, and by coincidence, Scott Oglesby of Los Angeles District also picked the same slogan and so shares the credit.

Commander Lieutenant Colonel Dan Snead
presenting Commander's Coin

Winning came as a surprise to Michael Rehak. Buffalo District Commander Lieutenant Colonel Dan Snead came in to the Resource Management Office early one morning to convey the good news and present a Commander’s Coin. “I had forgotten all about entering, so it was a pleasant surprise to me,” Rehak said.

Rehak, who served three years of active duty and 22 years in the Army Reserve, retiring with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel, Rehak says he was well aware of “Army Strong” and the Corps’ mission of building projects made the connection

an obvious one. Along with the Commander’s Coin and the honor of having his submission represent the more than 35,000 Corps employees serving in over 80 countries around the world, Rehak was given a time-off award. True to his nature, Mike plans to spend his time off by doing the one thing he enjoys most in life: playing golf—just kidding. Golf is number three. Being with his wife Diane and his grandchildren are one and two.

Keep in mind our new slogan is not a stand-alone. It is part of a concerted plan to enhance our corporate branding. Also included will be a new webpage design, a new PowerPoint template and measures aimed at enhancing access to information for both internal and external customers.

Black Rock Lock

Mount Morris Dam

Erie Ordnance Photos

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