Graduation June 12, 2008

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The National Defense University graduation was held Thursday, June 12th, at Fort Lesley J. McNair in southwest Washington, D.C., when 576 students from the Industrial College of the Armed Forces, the National War College, and the School for National Security Executive Education received graduate degrees. The ceremony was held in front of historic Roosevelt Hall.

The graduation speaker was General James E. Cartright, U.S. Marine Corps, the Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. For the Vice Chairman's remarks to the students, click here.

Approximately 54 percent of the graduates are senior officers from the U.S. Armed Services. The other 46 percent are Federal Government civilians, International Fellows from more than 60 countries, and private sector civilians.

The National Defense University is the premier center for Joint Professional Military Education (JPME) and is under the direction of the Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff. The President of the University is Lieutenant General F.C. Wilson, U.S. Marine Corps. The Commandant of the Industrial College of the Armed Forces is Rear Admiral Garry E. Hall, U.S. Navy; the Commandant of the National War College is Major General Robert P. Steel, U. S. Air Force; and the Director of the School for National Security Executive Education is Dr. R. Joseph DeSutter. The University’s main campus is on Fort McNair in Washington, D.C., while the Joint Forces Staff College is located in Norfolk, VA. The National Defense University is accredited by the Commission on Higher Education of the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools.

For further information, visit the National Defense University website at


The 318 Industrial College of the Armed Forces graduates received a Master of Science degree in National Resource Strategy.

The 35 School for National Security Executive Education graduates will receive a Master of Arts degree in Strategic Security Studies (with a concentration in combating terrorism) when legislation authorizing the degree is signed later in the summer.

The 223 National War College graduates received a Master of Science degree in National Security Strategy.