Earthquake listing Documentation

YR MO DA   Origin time date (universal time).
HRMN       Origin time hour, minute (universal time) 
SEC	   Origin time second (universal time).

--LAT N--
DEG        Epicenter latitude in degrees (north)
MIN        Epicenter latitude in minutes 

--LON W--
DEG        Epicenter longitude in degrees (north)
MIN        Epicenter longitude in minutes 

DEPTH/KM   Hypocenter depth jn km.
N/RD       Number of P & S readings with weights larger than 0.1.
N/S        Number of S readings with weights larger than 0.1.
RMS/SEC    The root-mean-square travel time residual, in sec, using all weights.
ERH/KM     The horizontal location error, in km, defined as the length of the largest
           projection of the three principal errors on a horizontal plane.
           The principal errors are the major axes of the error ellipsoid, and
           are mutually perpendicular.  ERH thus approximates the major axis
           of the epicenter's error ellipse.
ERZ/KM     The depth error, in km, defined as the largest projection of the three
           principal errors on a vertical line.
LOC/REMKS  The first remark is the 3-letter region code based on location and
           depth.   Two auxiliary 1-letter remarks (F for felt, etc.) may  be
           derived from an optional remark field in the phase data (see phase
           data  input format above).  A (#) indicates convergence
           problems with the final solution such as running out of iterations,
           or failure  of the hypocenter to reach a minimum in RMS.  A minus
           sign (-) indicates the depth was held fixed either by the user or
           by insufficient data.
PREF/MAG   Preferred magnitude, followed by 1-letter magnitude-type code (see MAGS below)
N/RD       Number of observations, expressed as the total of their weights, used to
           compute the magnitude
AZ/GAP     The largest azimuthal gap between azimuthally adjacent stations (in degrees).
MIN/DS     Distance to the nearest station (in km).
N/FM       Number of first-motion readings
CRU/MOD    Name of velocity model used for computing earthquake location
S./PF      The most common data source of the (P) traveltime and (F) first-motion data 
N/VR       Number of valid P & S readings (assigned weights larger than 0).
DUR/MAG    Coda duration magnitude computed from high-gain vertical components.
           Value is computed from weighted median of individual station duration magnitudes
NUM/DUR    Number of coda durations used in the computing median duration magnitude given
           as the total of their weights.
MAGS-N     Additional magnitudes for this event. Format is Mx=M_#, where 
              Mx=type of magnitude, and
               x=E=Energy magnitude
                 L=Local magnitude as computed by UC Berkeley 
                 W=Moment magnitude
                 X=S-wave maximum amplitude magnitude 
                 Z=Low gain (Z component) coda duration magnitude of Hirshorn and Lindh (1989). 
              M =magnitude value
              # =Number of observations, given as the total of their weights, used in computing M

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