#!/bin/csh -bf # # gp.postbreak # # Script to run Postbreak. # # 1995/10/15 whp Adapted from runall processing for gp processing # Modifications: 19990302 jls Added check for SolveLimit # 20000121 jls Added if around postbreak. If # working with Track set flag for cycle slips # at 10 cm all others will be flagged at # 5 cm. # Check number of arguments # ------------------------- echo " " if ($#argv != 0) then echo Usage: gp.postbreak exit 1 endif set Campaign_Name = `gp.CreateCampaignPrefix` # Postbreak # --------- rm batch.text.new qmfile.new >& /dev/null if ($Campaign_Name == "Track") then nice postbreak -auto -p postfit.nio \ -b batch.txt \ -o batch.txt.new \ -n /goa/local/templates/postbreak.nml \ -qi qmfile \ -qo qmfile.new \ -arc 1200 \ >& postbreak.log else if ($Campaign_Name == "LandersPro") then nice postbreak -p postfit.nio \ -b batch.txt \ -o batch.txt.new \ -n /goa/local/templates/camp.nml \ -qi qmfile \ -qo qmfile.new \ >& postbreak.log else nice postbreak -p postfit.nio \ -b batch.txt \ -o batch.txt.new \ -qi qmfile \ -qo qmfile.new \ -arc 1200 \ >& postbreak.log endif grep "pts in arcs" postbreak.log # Update batch.txt and qmfile for next loop # ----------------------------------------- set SolveLimit = `grep SolveLimit ProcessFlags | awk '{print $2}'` if ($SolveLimit != 1) then if ( -e batch.txt.new ) then rm batch.txt >& /dev/null mv batch.txt.new batch.txt endif if ( -e qmfile.new ) then rm qmfile >& /dev/null mv qmfile.new qmfile endif endif # Check for errors # ---------------- if (-e core) then rm core endif if (! -e postbreak.log) then echo "gp.postbreak: postbreak output file postbreak.log not found." exit 1 endif