#!/bin/csh -bf # # OutliersList # # Script to produce table of outliers from postfit.log # N.E. King # April 1994 # # Check number of arguments # ------------------------- if ($#argv != 0) then echo Usage: outliers_list exit 1 endif # Check that postfit.log exists # ----------------------------- if (-e postfit.log) then else echo There is no file called postfit.log in the working directory exit 1 endif # Create file containing one line for each outlier # Each line is the concatenation of two lines from postfit.log # ------------------------------------------------ sed -n -f /goa/local/util_dir/joinscript postfit.log \ > temp1.$$ # Create file of data type, time, satellite, station, outlier # ----------------------------------------------------------- awk '{ print $9 " " $6 " " $7 " " $8 " " $19 }' temp1.$$ # Clean up # -------- rm temp?.$$