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Alan Lomax Collection

Britain, Ireland and Scotland

Detail of Seamus Ennis, Ireland, 1950s
Seamus Ennis, Ireland, 1950s
Detail of Michael Gorman and Margaret Barry, Ireland
Michael Gorman and Margaret Barry, Ireland
Detail of Lomax with microphone, Hamish Henderson with recorder, Scotland, 1958
Lomax with microphone, Hamish Henderson with recorder, Scotland, 1958
Detail of Singer and Musician Harry Cox in England, 1953
Singer and Musician Harry Cox in England, 1953
Detail of Jimmy MacBeath, Scottish folksinger
Jimmy MacBeath, Scottish folksinger
Detail of Hamish Henderson, Scottish folklorist, folksinger and poet
Hamish Henderson, Scottish folklorist, folksinger and poet

Singer and Musician Harry Cox in England, 1953
Singer and Musician Harry Cox in England, 1953

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  April 27, 2005
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