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Terms: (agricultur*+or+farm*) OR (agricultur*+or+farm*) 1 - 10 of 2125 Bibliographic entries
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 1 Work-related injury deaths among Hispanics - United States, 1992-2006
Authors Cierpich-H; Styles-L; Harrison-R; Davis-L; Chester-D; Lefkowitz-D; Valiante-D; Richardson-S; Castillo-D; Romano-N; Baron-S 
Source JAMA J Am Med Assoc 2008 Dec; 300(21):2479-2480 

 2 Cancer incidence among pesticide applicators exposed to captan in the Agricultural Health Study
Authors Greenburg-DL; Rusiecki-J; Koutros-S; Dosemeci-M; Patel-R; Hines-CJ; Hoppin-JA; Alavanja-MCR 
Source Cancer Causes Control 2008 Dec; 19(10):1401-1407 

 3 Occupational conditions and well-being of indigenous farmworkers
Authors Farquhar-S; Shadbeh-N; Samples-J; Ventura-S; Goff-N 
Source Am J Publ Health 2008 Nov; 98(11):1956-1959 

 4 Hospitalized head injuries in agricultural settings: who are the vulnerable groups?
Authors Pickett-W; Dostaler-S; Berg-RL; Brison-RJ; Linneman-JG; Marlenga-B 
Source Accid Anal Prev 2008 Nov; 40(6):1943-1948 

 5 Pharmacologic effects of grain weevil extract on isolated guinea pig tracheal smooth muscle
Authors Schachter-EN; Zuskin-E; Arumugam-U; Goswami-S; Castranova-V; Whitmer-M; Chiarelli-A 
Source Lung 2008 Oct; 186(5):317-321 

 6 Suicides among farmers in three southeastern states, 1990-1998
Authors Browning-SR; Westneat-SC; McKnight-RH 
Source J Agric Saf Health 2008 Oct;14(4):461-472 

 7 Computational fluid dynamics modeling of ventilation of confined-space manure storage facilities: applications
Authors Zhao-J, Manbeck-HB, Murphy-DJ 
Source J Agric Saf Health 2008 Oct; 14(4):405-429 

 8 Prevalence of asthma among youth on Hispanic-operated farms in the United States - 2000
Authors Syamlal-G; Mazurek-JM 
Source J Agromed 2008 Oct; 13(3):155-164 

 9 Occupational behaviors and farmworkers’ pesticide exposure: findings from a study in Monterey County, California
Authors Salvatore-LA; Bradman-A; Castorina-R; Camacho-J; Lopez-J; Barr-DB; Snyder-J; Jewell-NP; Eskenazi-B 
Source Am J Ind Med 2008 Oct; 51(10):782-794 

 10 Heat-related deaths among crop workers - United States, 1992-2006
Authors Luginbuhl-RC; Jackson-LL; Castillo-DN; Loringer-KA 
Source JAMA J Am Med Assoc 2008 Sep; 300(9):1017-1018 
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