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ID 08010
Also Known As L-1-08-AR
Abstract United States Geological Survey, Woods Hole, Massachusetts. Chief Scientists: Debbie Hutchinson, H Ruth Jackson, Geological Survey of Canada. Seismic profiling data (multichannel seismic) of field activity 08010 (L-1-08-AR) in Amerasian (Canada) Basin, Arctic Ocean from 08/21/2008 to 10/03/2008
Organization United States Geological Survey, Woods Hole, Massachusetts
Project/Theme Law of the Sea - Outer Limits of the US Cont. Margin
Chief Scientist Debbie Hutchinson
H Ruth Jackson
Activity Type Seismic profiling
Platform Louis S St-laurent
Owner Canadian Coast Guard
Area of Operation
Amerasian (Canada) Basin, Arctic Ocean
Location map 08010 location map of where navigation equipment operated
Bounding Coordinates 89.75000
-160.00000    -110.00000
Ports LEAVE Kugluktuk Nunavut (Coppermine), Canada
ARRIVE Kugluktuk Nunavut (Coppermine), Canada
Dates 08/21/2008 (JD 234) to 10/03/2008 (JD 277)
Analog Materials No analog holdings.
Index map

08010 map of where navigation equipment operated

Information Specialist
Science leads from GSC
Debbie Hutchinson Chief Scientist
H. Ruth Jackson Chief Scientist, Geological Survey of Canada
Borden Chapman GSC, Seismic ops
John Shimeld GSC, Seismic processing
Jon Biggar DFO, Hydrography
Marc Rothwell captain
Equipment Used
multichannel seismic
Collect multichannel seismic, sonobuoy, and single-beam echo
sounder data as part of identifying the boundary of the U.S.
extended continental shelf in the Amerasian (Canada) basin of the
Arctic Ocean.
Information to be Derived
Sediment thickness and geological history
This cruise was a joint marine expedition between the
Geological Survey of Canada and the United States Geological Survey,
undertaken in the Canada Basin from the Canadian polar margin to
the Northwind Ridge of the Chukchi Borderland. In this region ice
conditions create conditions difficult for collecting underway
geophysical information and a two ship survey was required. The
Canadian Coast Guard Ship Louis S. St-Laurent (LSSL) collected data
in single ship mode during the period of August 21 to September 9,
2008. For the period of September 10 to 27 the United States Coast
Guard Cutter Healy accompanied the LSSL and contributed multibeam
bathymetric data and high resolution chirp subbottom profiler. The
Healy broke ice for the LSSL during seismic operations and the LSSL
broke ice ahead of Healy when multibeam was the important data set.
The information was acquired in order to meet the requirements of
Article 76 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
(UNCLOS) so that Canada can determine the boundaries of its extended
continental shelf and for the United States to make a similar
assessment. Data collected aboard LSSL were: 2817.1 km -
multichannel seismic data; noise tests + signature tests; 85,664
- total shots fired; 12 - number of seismic lines; 4849 km -
echo sounder (12 kHz) profiles; 181 - spot soundings from
helicopter; 39 - total sonobuoys deployed; 4 - failed sonobuoys;
67 XCTDs - expendable CTDs for water column temperature and salinity
(and velocity); 3 instances of shutting down the airguns for
marine mammals (1 polar bear sighting, 2 seal sightings).
43 days at sea.
Data types: Seismic
Seismic reflection and refraction + supporting measurements
for accurate bathymetry (e.g., XCTD and SVP)
Navigation technique: dgps
Ship Track Plot available on line at:
Related Web SitesAvailable on line at:
*** Availability of Seismic Data - Until the date that Canada
submits its extended continental shelf limits to the Commission on
the Limits of the Continental Shelf (by December 6, 2013), the
seismic data will not be released to other researchers except by
mutual consent of both GSC and USGS. After that date and up to
December 6, 2016, if the data have not been publicly released,
researchers interested in the data for scientific purposes can
submit a request to Natural Resources Canada (Geological Survey of
Canada, (GSC)) to obtain copies of the data. Upon consultation with
USGS about use of the data, GSC should not unreasonably withhold
permission to use the data as long as it is for scientific purposes
and involves collaboration with GSC or USGS in their use and
publication of results. The data should be fully publicly released
with no restrictions on its use after December 6, 2016. Seismic
data include seismic reflection and refraction data collected using
equipment from Louis S. St. Laurent. Until public release, the
official copy of these data are held at NRCan, Earth Sciences
Sector. After public release, the data will be available through
NRCan, Earth Sciences Sector. *** Availability of Singlebeam
Echosounder Data - Data outside of the Canadian 200-nm limit are
available through the Department of Fisheries and Oceans. Data
inside the 200-nm limit are considered proprietary under release
policy of the seismic data (see above). Until public release, the
official copy of these data will be held at DFO, Canadian
Hydrographic Service (CHS). After public release, the data will be
available through CHS. *** Availability of Other Data - Other
data collected during the LSSL cruise, such as navigation, gravity,
velocimeter profiles, CTD casts for water velocity, and ice imagery
are considered supporting data that are included in cruise reports
and other documentation as public information. Theyare not
necessarily formally released but will be supplied upon request to
either GSC or CHS.
Project Number
GSC (ship + Can. participants); NOAA reimbursable (DRH
travel); SIR (DRH salary)
Got Help? For 08010, we would appreciate any information on -- analog materials, contract, days at sea, dive count, kms of navigation, national plan, NGDC Info, publications, scanned materials, seismic description, station count, station description, submersible, tabulated info.


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