Teacher Exchange Program
Since 1946, the Fulbright Teacher Exchange Program has helped nearly 23,000 teachers and administrators contribute to mutual understanding between the United States and countries around the world.
If you are a full-time U.S. teacher or administrator, you may be eligible to apply to the regular program.
For U.S. teachers, this opportunity involves a year, semester or six-week direct exchange of teaching positions with a counterpart in another country teaching the same subject(s) at the same level. Fulbright program staff in the U.S. and abroad match U.S. and overseas candidates in the spring of each year. Fulbright staff then propose matched-exchanges that each candidate and each school involved in the application process must approve before final selection to the program takes place.
For U.S. administrators, the Fulbright program currently offers work-shadowing assignments overseas. These exchanges may be from three to six weeks in length. For a country listing and more information about these opportunities, see the Other Opportunities page of our website.
The International Institute of the Graduate School, USDA has administered the Fulbright Teacher Exchange Program since 1984. If you are interested in the programs listed on the Other Opportunities page of our website or you are a current (2008-2009) grantee of the Program, please contact us directly at 202.314.3520/fulbright@grad.usda.gov.
 If you are interested in applying for the 2010-2011 academic year or have already applied for the 2009-2010 academic year, please contact AED at 202.884.8649/fulbrightcte@aed.org. If you are interested in applying for or have already applied for the Italy or Greece Summer seminars, please contact ACTR at 202.833.7522/wilson@americancouncils.org.
Fulbright e-mail accounts are available to those currently on exchange. Be sure to have your username and password ready.