History in the National Park Service
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National Park Service History homepage
History of the National Park Service' features adminstrative histories of many well-known parks, information about former Secretaries of the Interior, Directors of NPS, and Chief Historians in addition to other resources
Collection of studies, reports, essays, and online books specific to park units
The NPS thematic framework's eight concepts outline the interdisciplinary concerns for use in evaluating the significance and contexts of historic places and building contextual historic-site interpretive and educational programs. A list of parks categorized by areas of significance is also included here.
National Park Service

      Maritime History
Research and Education has teaching materials, diversity resources, and addition research information.
Oral History has information on the National Park Service's oral history programs, and oral history in general

Chimney Rock

Please note: The following links may contain copyrighted material. Permission has been granted to the National Park Service to post this information online, but the copyrights are still reserved by the owner of the original books. While NPS-produced publications are normally considered to be in the public domain, many of the reports contain illustrations that are copies of materials NOT in the public domain, for which one-time reprint permission was obtained prior to each report's publication. Persons wishing to use these illustrations for any purpose beyond educational perusal must obtain their own permissions from the owners of the original materials.

National Historic Landmark Theme Studies

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