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Data Files

FY 2009 IRF PPS Final Rule Data Files (73 FR 46370)

  • IRF Rate Setting Final Rule (73 FR 46370)—REVISED August 27, 2008
    This file contains data for each of the 1,205 inpatient rehabilitation facilities used to estimate the policy updates in the FY 2009 inpatient rehabilitation prospective payment system final rule. The methodology used to update the payment data is described in detail in the final rule. Note that this file is a revised version of the file that was posted on August 12, 2008. This revised file reflects the clarifications to the wage index methodology regarding treatment of New England deemed counties and multi-campus hospitals that were finalized in the FY 2009 IRF PPS final rule (73 FR 46370).
  • IRF Wage Index Final Rule (73 FR 46370)
    These files contain the urban and rural Core-Based Statistical Area final FY 2009 IRF wage index tables. 
  • Case-Mix Groups, Relative Weights, and Average Length of Stay Values for the Final Rule (73 FR 46370)
  • Appendix C—List of Comorbidities (Revised August 4, 2008)
    This file contains the list of comorbidities (ICD-9-CM codes) that will be used to determine placement in tiers for IRF discharges occurring on or after October 1, 2008. It contains the ICD-9-CM codes, the abbreviated code labels, the appropriate tier, and any RICs for which the ICD-9-CM codes are excluded from the tiers. It also notes the changes that were made from the previous version of the list.

FY 2009 IRF PPS Proposed Rule Data Files (73 FR 22674)

  • IRF Rate Setting Proposed Rule (73 FR 22674)
    This file contains data for each of the 1,231 inpatient rehabilitation facilities used to estimate the proposed policy updates in the proposed inpatient rehabilitation prospective payment system regulation. The proposed methodology used to update the payment data is described in detail in the proposed rule.

  • IRF Wage Index Proposed Rule (73 FR 22674)
    These files contain the urban and rural Core-Based Statistical Area proposed wage index tables.  

  • Case-Mix Groups, Proposed Relative Weights, and Proposed Average Length Of Stay Values Used In The Proposed Rule (73 FR 22674)

Legislative Changes to the IRF Prospective Payment Rates--Effective April 1, 2008

Section 115 of the Medicare, Medicaid, and SCHIP Extension Act of 2007 amended Section 1886(j)(3)(C) of the Social Security Act to apply a zero percent increase to payment rates for inpatient rehabilitation facilities (IRFs) for part of fiscal year (FY) 2008 and all of FY 2009. The new rates will become effective for discharges occurring on or after April 1, 2008, and will apply to the last two quarters of FY 2008 (from April 1, 2008 through September 30, 2008). Payment rates for the first two quarters of FY 2008 (from October 1, 2007 through March 31, 2008) will continue to be based on the 3.2 percent market basket increase that was implemented in the FY 2008 IRF PPS final rule (72 FR 44284).  See the related "Download" below for additional information.

FY 2008 IRF PPS Final Rule Data Files (72 FR 44284)

  • IRF Rate Setting Final Rule
    This file contains data for each of the 1,220 inpatient rehabilitation facilities used to estimate the final update to the outlier threshold amount and to simulate the distributional impacts shown in the final inpatient rehabilitation prospective payment system regulation. The methodology used to update the payment data is described in detail in the final rule.

  • IRF Wage Index Final Rule
    These files contain the urban and rural Core-Based Statistical Area final wage index tables.

  • Case-Mix Groups, Relative Weights, and Average Length Of Stay Used In The Final Rule

  • Appendix C—List of Comorbidities (Revised August 3, 2007)
    This file contains the list of comorbidities (ICD-9-CM codes) that will be used to determine placement in tiers for IRF discharges occurring on or after October 1, 2007. It contains the ICD-9-CM codes, the abbreviated code labels, the appropriate tier, and any RICs for which the ICD-9-CM codes are excluded from the tiers. It also notes the changes that were made from the previous version of the list.

FY 2008 IRF PPS Proposed Rule Data Files (72 FR 26230)

  • IRF Rate Setting Proposed Rule (72 FR 26230)
    This file contains data for each of the 1,234 inpatient rehabilitation facilities used to estimate the proposed update to the outlier threshold amount and to simulate the distributional impacts shown in the proposed inpatient rehabilitation prospective payment system regulation. The proposed methodology used to update the payment data is described in detail in the proposed rule.

  • IRF Wage Index Proposed Rule (72 FR 26230)
    These files contain the urban and rural Core-Based Statistical Area proposed wage index tables.

FY 2007 IRF PPS Final Rule Data Files (71 FR 48354)

  • IRF Rate Setting Final Rule
    This file contains data for each of the 1,202 inpatient rehabilitation facilities used to estimate the final update to the outlier threshold amount and to simulate the distributional impacts shown in the final inpatient rehabilitation prospective payment system regulation. The methodology used to update the payment data is described in detail in the final rule.

  • IRF Wage Index Final Rule
    These files contain the urban and rural Core-Based Statistical Area final wage index tables.

  • Case-Mix Groups, Relative Weights, and Average Length Of Stay Used In The Final Rule

  • Appendix C—List of Comorbidities (Revised August 1, 2006)
    This file contains the list of comorbidities (ICD-9-CM codes) that will be used to determine placement in tiers for IRF discharges occurring on or after October 1, 2006. It contains the ICD-9-CM codes, the abbreviated code labels, the appropriate tier, and any RICs for which the ICD-9-CM codes are excluded from the tiers. It also notes the changes that were made from the previous version of the list.

FY 2007 IRF PPS Proposed Rule Data Files (71 FR 28106)

  • IRF Rate Setting Proposed Rule revised (71 FR 28106)
    This file contains data for each of the 1,202 inpatient rehabilitation facilities used to estimate the proposed update to the outlier threshold amount and to simulate the distributional impacts shown in the proposed inpatient rehabilitation prospective payment system regulation. The proposed methodology used to update the payment data is described in detail in the proposed rule.

  • IRF Wage Index Proposed Rule (71 FR 28106)
    These files contain the urban and rural Core-Based Statistical Area proposed wage index tables.

  • Hypothetical FY 2007 IRF MSA-based wage index: This wage index file is posted in response to a request from the industry. Since this file was not used to determine the wage index in the FY 2007 IRF PPS proposed rule, this is a hypothetical wage index file under the MSA-based area designation scenario. This file is for public informational purposes only and was not used to determine the proposed FY 2007 CBSA wage index for IRFs.

  • Case-Mix Groups, Relative Weights, and Average Length Of Stay Used In The Proposed Rule (71 FR 28106)



FY 2009 Data Files [ZIP, 1.36MB]

Legislative Changes to the IRF Prospective Payment Rates--Effective April 1, 2008 [PDF, 101kb]

FY 2008 Data Files [ZIP, 511KB]

FY 2007 Data Files [ZIP, 534KB]

Data Files -- Archive [ZIP, 1.42MB]
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Page Last Modified: 08/28/2008 1:56:31 PM
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