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The main database for ethics is:

Greek symbol for PhilosophyTHE PHILOSOPHER'S INDEX - Provides indexing and abstracts from books and journals of philosophy and related fields from 1940-present. It covers  the areas of ethics, aesthetics, social philosophy, political philosophy, epistemology, and metaphysic logic as well as material on the philosophy of law, religion, science, history, education, and language.   


The following interdisciplinary databases also provide scholarly articles and indexing:
Database: Description:
ACADEMIC SEARCH PREMIER Designed specifically for academic institutions, this scholarly collection offers information in the sciences, social sciences, and humanities. It contains full text for more than 4,600 publications, including over 3,500 peer-reviewed publications. A good starting point for research, but other subject specific resources should be also consulted.
BUSINESS SOURCE PREMIER Provides full text for nearly 1,520 scholarly business journals covering management, economics, finance, accounting and international business.
HUMANITIES FULL TEXT Provides access to 500 of the best-known scholarly journals and numerous lesser-known but important specialized magazines in such fields as archaeology, art, classical studies, communications, film, folklore, gender studies, history, literature, and philosophy. Coverage for indexing begins in 1984; abstracting begins in 1994, and full text of selected titles in 1995.
INTERNATIONAL ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES A newer edition of the standard classic work, International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences (1968), the Encyclopedia highlights the integration and interconnectedness of the social sciences with other disciplines. It is a useful starting point for research in psychology, public policy, history, religion, ethics, philosophy, education and many other social sciences. (The Encyclopedia is also available in print in the Library’s reference collection).
JSTOR Full-text archive of scholarly journals. Select More Information for tips in using JSTOR.
PROJECT MUSE Full-text access to more than 100 journals published by various associations and university presses. These titles cover a variety of subjects but mostly related to literature, political science, history and culture.
SOCIAL SCIENCES FULL TEXT Provides access to over 500 social sciences journals covering a broad range of fields including addiction studies, anthropology, criminal justice, economics, ethics, gender studies, international relations, law, policy studies, political science, and sociology. Indexing begins in 1983, abstracting in 1994, and full text for selected titles in 1995.



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Last Updated: 30 March 2005