National Center for Agricultural Utilization Research Site Logo
Agricultural Research Service United States Department of Agriculture

Welcome to the National Center for Agricultural Utilization Research (NCAUR)

The largest of the USDA-ARS major research centers, the multi-disciplinary staff at NCAUR focuses on metabolic engineering, fermentation, food safety, environmental quality, biomaterials and processing technologies.

During more than 65 years of highly innovative research at NCAUR, technologies have been developed and commercialized that have helped create the quality of life today.  Continuing this standard of excellence, the reseach of a third generation of ARS-NCAUR scientists is impacting the quality of life for tomorrow.  Vision for the future, built upon a solid heritage from the past-NCAUR, where the future is created.

Photo Gallery:  Science in Action

Directions to NCAUR

NEW!  Defatted Soy Flour Eyed as Filler Substitute for Rubber Tires 

NCAUR Welcomes New Center Director


MWA Bioenergy Research Forum


Featured Research of the Month

The Bioproducts & Biocatalysis Research Unit (BBC) develops new microorganisms and biocatalysts for use in converting renewable agricultural materials into high value products.  These products, which include new carbohydrates, polysaccharides, enzymes, fuels and chemicals, are developed by conducting microbial, biochemical and genetic research.  Visit the BBC Research Unit pages to learn about other exciting projects underway.    

Last Modified: 01/05/2009