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EAD Archives – February 2008

  1. 2nd Date 3/5: Digitizing Historical Records Grants: Conf. Call for Interested Parties

  2. Digitizing Historical Records Grants: Conference Call for Interested Parties

  3. Final Report on Daofind was Meeting on the MEX tool set

  4. Meeting on the MEX tool set

  5. Need CSS for Oxygen Author Editor mode

  6. Normalizing dates

  7. Online holdings of 10 institutions - a streaming video

  8. Position Announcement: Georgia Tech, Digital Library Development - Web Developer

  9. Removing duplicates from reordered list

  10. Ruby questions

  11. SAA/EAD Roundtable Minutes and Archives

  12. Testing sibling nodes

  13. Vacation reply

  14. Workshop announcement
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