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EAD Archives – December 2007

  1. Calames :: french universities EAD union catalogue

  2. Document format

  3. Document format (correction)

  4. EACWG: Thank You!

  5. EAD Digest - 6 Dec 2007 to 10 Dec 2007 (#2007-141)

  6. Encoded Archival Context

  7. Migration from DTD tot Schema

  8. mrogan/MHT/Nypl is out of the office.

  9. open ended-date range

  10. origination use in container lists

  11. Rejected posting to [log in to unmask]

  12. Release of Archivists' Toolkit 1.1 BETA version 1.0.41, RC5

  13. Release of Archivists' Toolkit 1.1 beta, version 1.0.39, Release Candidate 4.

  14. Technical question on document format [slightly OT]

  15. unsubscribe

  16. XSLT Workshop Deadline Coming Soon
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